Chapter 4 Zeltrax's first attack

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We got to my house and Ethan knocked on the door. There was no answer. "Guys, he usually keeps the door unlocked." I said. "Why?" Conner asked. "Well, he never told me why. He keeps it locked when he is out." I said. We walked into the house and down the stairs into the lab and told Tommy what happened. We went out to look for Kira. While we were riding around in Tommy's jeep looking for Kira, she went through an invisaportal and landed on the front of the jeep. Then Zeltrax showed up with tyranodrones, mostly because he was chasing her. "Did Mesagog find a new goon to do his dirty work?" Tommy asked. "You are not fit to speak my masters name. Come with me peacefully or suffer the consequences." Zeltrax said. "We're going to have to say, no." I said. Then they started to attack us. Tommy and I were fighting Zeltrax. Tommy and I got knocked up against the jeep. "Looks like Mesagog made a few improvements." Tommy said. "Yeah, no doubt." I said. Tommy and I were fighting Zeltrax while the others were fighting tyranodrones. Zeltrax knocked Tommy down. And I got in front of him and was somehow able to read his every move. "What? How are you able to read every single move I make before I make it?" Zeltrax said. "I don't know." I said. Then we finally made eye contact with each other. I saw something in him but I couldn't quite find out what it was. When I didn't attack Tommy stepped in. He fought Zeltrax to get him further away from me. After a few hits we regrouped. "Make sure you tell your master, Doctor Oliver's back." Tommy said. "I will inform him. This battle is over, but the war has just begun." Zeltrax said. Then Zeltrax and the tyranodrones disappeared through an invisaportal. "Is that the best he could do?" I asked. "Let's get out of here, it's getting late. I don't want your parents to worry." Tommy said. I got in the jeep. "I bet you don't, you might have to explain something." Conner said. "I'll fill you in tomorrow after school, I promise." Tommy said. We took the others home. Later that night Tommy was talking to me about the battle we had today. "Hey, so after I got knocked down you fought him for a while until you stopped attacking him. Why did you stop attacking?" Tommy asked. "I don't know, I guess I saw something but I don't know what." I said. "Well, can you describe what you saw in the best way you can?" Tommy asked. "I'll explain it the best way I can tomorrow after school. But you can fill us in on what you wanted to fill us in on before I tell you guys what I think I saw." I said. The next morning I was walking to school with Kira. "Okay, so what you're saying is that you saw something when you looked into Zeltrax's eyes, and that's why you stopped attacking him." Kira said. "It's not just that, it felt like there was some kind of connection between me and him. It was so weird." I said. Later that day Tommy filled us in on what those things were. That's when I told them what I told Kira. I told them about the connection I felt with him. "Okay, that's weird. We have to find out why you felt that connection to him." Conner said. The next day Zeltrax showed up again. We started to fight him. Zeltrax wants us destroyed but I know for a fact that we're not going to die anytime soon.

My dad would not want us to be destroyed. We managed to fight him off. The next day Tommy gave Kira, Conner, and Ethan their morphers to become power rangers.

Later that night we had to tame our swords. It was easy to tame my sword but the others have to fight Zeltrax to get to the swords.

After destroying Zeltrax's ship Zeltrax disappeared. "Looks like they are going to stick around for a while." I said. "How do you know that?" Tommy asked. That's when I pulled out my dino gem and the picture of me and Jason in an amulet that Jason gave me when I was really young. "Wait, your biological father told you about it?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, he told me his story about the time when he was a power ranger." I said. The next day I was walking around when I came across this one amulet. I picked it up. "Don't touch that!" I heard someone say. I turned around to find Zeltrax walking towards me. I opened the amulet looked at Zeltrax, then at the picture of me and Jason, then back at Zeltrax. "Where did you get this?" I asked. "I've always had it." Zeltrax said as he took it out of my hand and walked past me. "Is it possible? Could he be Jason?" I asked myself. We turned to face each other. "I've always had mine too." I said. Then I opened mine and it had the same pictures of me and Jason. Then I closed it. "I can't believe this." I said. "What are you talking about?" Zeltrax said. "You're Jason, my father." I said. "Jason?" Zeltrax asked himself. "That's not true. You destroyed my wife and my daughter!" Zeltrax said. "No, listen to me. I am your daughter." I said. "Nice try silver ranger, but your tricks won't work on me." Zeltrax said before disappearing. I go back to the lab to tell Tommy what happened. "Dad, we have to talk." I said. "What's up?" Tommy asked. "Well, I ran into Zeltrax and I might have found out something." I said. "What?" Tommy asked. "Do you think that it's possible that Jason is Zeltrax?" I asked. "Really, that can't be possible. No one could survive an explosion like that." Tommy said. Then I walked out. The next day I decided to look up if it's possible to survive an explosion. Besides, why else would Zeltrax tell me that he always had that amulet. I found out that it's possible, but with that much force, it's highly unlikely that he survived it.

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