Surprise (cont.)

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As I walked toward the woods I looked back. Kade was watching me. Even though I felt bad for leaving I didn't turn back. We were set on meat for about a week but the hunt was what kept me busy. I walked into the woods and became the hunter. I walked quietly and before I knew it, I was at the snares. Inns caught three rabbits and a squirrel. I took the off and reset the snares and bagged the game. I wanted something larger. A deer or perhaps a wild hog. I walked a little further and came upon a small watering hole. There were deer scattered around it. I took my bow and set it and wanted for my opportunity to shoot. One came a little closer and I let the arrow fly. The deer fell and the other scattered. I removed the arrow from the neck and tied a strong to the legs so I could drag it back.
"Jupiter? It's Phoebe. There's a herd attacking the fence. The others can't hold them off... AH!!!" Came Phoebes frantic voice.

I dropped the deer and began running toward the house. I was too far away to get there fast. I ran as hard as I could and when I reached the gate, the fence was down and they were surrounding the house. I heard screams coming from inside and I pulled my gun and began shooting. The noise drew them from the house. The entire hers split and half if them came after me. I backed away slowly and kept shooting. I pulled my bow and began shooting them with it. Soon I was out of any kind of ammo and running for my life. No one was talking through the walkie and I was scared. I climbed up a tree and sat waiting for help.

"I am in a tree about a mile down the road.someone please help, I am out of ammo." I said with the hope of being saved.
"I will come when I get free. These things are testing the house apart." Came Davids voice.

I became panicked. Riley was in that house. She was with Bryan. I had been selfish and left when I shouldn't have. I closed my where and prayed that they would be okay. The zombies were trying to get me still. I didn't have any ammo and couldn't jump to a different tree without them seeing me. I would have to wait. The moans that they made, made me want to kill them that much more.
"They are inside! Hide the kids!"

I don't know who had said that but it scared me. I was stuck in a tree and couldn't be there to help. I should never had gone hunting that day. I kept hearing shots ring in the she, but that was all I had heard. I didn't have water or food with me and I couldn't get down. I needed a plan. I broke off branches and threw them as far as I could and the nice called to some of them. I threw another one in a different direction, calling a few more away. I climbed down and ran in the direction of the cabin. I arrived as the last few were killed. I ran forward as Kade came out of the house. He hugged me and I doughy to get out. I needed to find Riley. When I got into the cabin, it was a disaster. There were bodies if the zombies all over. There was blood all over the place. I saw Alisa holding Bryan. He had a bite on his arm. I deliberate spring into my eyes. I searched the room for Riley. I didn't see her.

"Where is Riley?" I asked them.

"Listen, we tried all we could. I tried to stop it." Said David as he stepped aside.

There was Riley covered in blood. Her body covered in blood and her stomach and throat ripped open. I fell to my knees crying. I felt rage, sadness, and fear. I had caused this, I had lost Riley.

"How?" I asked.

"They were hiding in the bathroom and the things broke the window and climbed in. They got Riley and but Bryan. Alisa found them and tried to help but got scratched." Said David.

"We need to get to Louisville. The scientist has a safe place there. He said he has a cure that helps scratch victims. We need to get me there soon." Alisa said.

"Let's pack into the cars and head out. We can all fit in the SUV or my van. Let's just take one car." David said. "Kade you help Jupiter to the car, Taylor you help Alisa, I'll get Phoebe and I will drive. We will find this guy."

Kade picked me up and carried me to my truck and got into the back seat and sat with me in his lap. Taylor and Alisa got into the hatch and Phoebe rode up front with David. I couldn't stop the tears. I lost Riley, the only family I had left. I sat in Kades lap crying and rubbing my stomach for a while.

"Phil? Can you hear us? We are going to try and come to you. If you can hear us. What's your location." David said into the walkie.

Nothing came back. I hadn't hoped it would. We were still a ways away from Louisville. I slide off of Kades lap and moved to the other side of the seat.

"Look, I know I was a jerk this morning. It's just a show you know. I want to be with you and our baby. Please don't give up on me. I love you." Said Kade.

"I love you too. Maybe Phil will let us stay and this baby can have a chance." I said.

I look out the window as we drive through the country toward Louisville. I closed my eyes and told myself that I needed sleep. I couldn't afford to not have sleep. But I kept seeing Riley laying there torn open and covered in blood. We had left without everything we owned. No food, not weapons, no ammo. We had taken off. I heard Alisa start breathing heavily.

"She's burning up." Taylor said toward us. "How much further?"

"An hour maybe twos depending on the road conditions." Said David.

I just sat there holding Kades hand and praying that Alisa would be fine. I needed her to survive. I wanted her to survive. I watched as the fields slowly turned to buildings and sidewalks. I watches as a large white sign loomed over the street.
Turn left here to find the science lab. Dr Phil Johnson is waiting.

David turned left and I watched as the street became vacant of cars, vacant of bodies. David kept driving. Within ten minutes we could see a tall brick building in a fenced area. The gates were closed and the fences were high. We drive to the gate and they slowly opened. David drive inside and for the first time, I was scared of finding out what this was. He parked the car and ran to the back to get Alisa. I got out and looked around. There were military vehicles and artillery. The doors to the building opened and two men in military clothes came out and helped carry Alisa inside. I felt weak and Kade helped me follow them inside. Inside was all white painted brick. We followed the men down the hall and into a locked room. We weren't allowed in but we watched as a man in white came forward and strapped her to a table. He pulled a needle out of a drawer and jabbed it above her heart. I cried out and fell to the floor. The door quickly opened and a man in military uniform came out.

"She's pregnant. Not scratched or but." I heard Kade say.

They carried me into a room off of the one where Alisa is. I was laid on the table and the man in white came into my line of vision.

"I am Doctor Phil Johnson. Welcome to our safe haven. I hear you collapsed and are pregnant. I just want to check you and the baby to be sure nothing is seriously wrong." He said.

"I am sure we are fine. Can my boyfriend come in? His name is Kade." I ask.

"I will send for him. Don't be scared. This is an ultrasound machine. It will tell me how far along you are and if the baby is alright." He said.

He nodded to the man who carried me in and he left. I felt him lift my shirt and undo my pants. A warm gel touched my belly as Kade came in. I watched the screen as the doctor out the wand on my belly. I couldn't tell what I was looking at. I saw a mass of white and dark lines.

"That's your baby. Roughly ten weeks along. Looks good. I would say due in April. At the latest. Earliest being mid May. I want to take blood to make sure you are healthy as well. I'll look and see if I have prenatal vitamins." He said as he readied a needle and vial.

I looked away as he put the needle in my arm. Once he finished he walked us back to our group and led us up some stairs at the end of the hall and we were in some kind if living quarters.

"This is the lab and southern Center for Disease Control. I am working night and day on a cure. You are welcome to stay. The military are here to help with the disbursement of the cure. There are only two of them left plus me. And you six." He said, "I am willing to help you out as long as you are willing to help keep those things out of here, until I need a few to test the cure on. Is that fair? You will have a place to sleep, food to ear, hot water, and everything else you need. Care for the unborn child."

"It's fair. We accept." Said David.

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora