Testing the cure

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"Now let's get our test subjects." Phil said as we walked out the back of the building.
Just outside the fence he had set up a holding cell of sorts. It trapped the zombies inside and we had our choice of test subjects. That day was the day that the cure got tested for the first time. No one knew we were testing it yet, but they would if it worked. I was excited, but also scared. If it made this thing worse, we were all dead for sure. Levi was a month old and enjoying some sunshine with Riley. Phoebe was on garden duty. We walked to the cell and I waited with the equipment while he looked our choices over. When he made his decision, I handed him the rope, bag, and pole and he tied it up, and put the bag over it's head, and attached the pole to it's beck. We snuck back into the building and lab and secured him to the table. I grabbed my clip board and waited as he prepared the injection.
"If this works on him, what are you going to do about administering it? Surely we can't inject every last one of them." I said to him.
"I am planning on testing it's effectiveness in different states. But for now let's see how this guy handles it." He said with a serious smell.
I nodded and he walked over to the zombie. I write down the time and noted where he injected it into the body and what happened. The zombie screamed out and began thrashing about. Soon one by one his body parts stopped moving. First an arm, then a leg, then the other arm and so on until he was dead. Phil smiled big and was excited.
"It worked. I can't believe it worked." He said. "Did you take notes on it all?"
"Of course I did. What kind of assistant would I be if I hadn't." I said.
"Well thanks. I'll dispose of him after a few cell tests. But you are done for today. You can go back up to Levi. I'll be up around dinner."
"I'll see you around midnight then."
He wouldn't be up at dinner. He had always said that and never was up. I walked from the lab and up to the living space. I saw Riley sitting in a chair reading a book. I went into my room and saw Levi asleep in his bed. I showered and went to talk with Riley.
"How was he?" I asked.
"A doll. He are about an hour ago. Fell asleep half hour ago. Did tummy time this morning. You still pumping?"
"Yeah, since I am back helping Phil again. It's the only logical option."  I told her.
"Kade is on a run into town. We need more canned food. They went to see what they can find."
"Nice of him to tell me. Thanks for letting me know."
"Your back early for today? Everything going alright down there?"
"It's amazing down there. Phil didn't need me for this next set of tests he's doing so he sent me up here. He tries to keep me half a day so I can spend time with Levi."
"Well I don't mind keeping an eye on him if you need to work like you did before. Phoebe and I take turns with him anyway."
"I know and thanks. But Phil doesn't need me too much anymore. I'll check on him later."
She nodded and I smiled as I heard Levi cry. I went and picked him up and grabbed a diaper and changed him. I kissed him and tickled him. I walked into the living sees and saw Phoebe standing there.
"Phil needs you downstairs again. Something about a follow up test or something. I've come to take Levi." She said to me.
"Sure, I'll head right down. Just changed him and Riley can tell you the rest." I said.
I headed back to the lab and when I walked in I saw two more zombies strapped to tables. I grabbed my clipboard and followed him to the first zombie. He injected it and the body went stuff then relaxed. Dead.
"Phil, what just happened?" I asked.
"Well, I changed the amount injected of one ingredient and it happened much faster. Let's try one more time." He said as he moved to the other zombie.
He injected it and I waited. The body went stuff and then relaxed. I noted this reaction as well and waited as he disposed of the bodies. When he returned, he sat at his computer and I handed him my notes.
"I read in a science journal about a year or so ago that airborne vaccines were close to being invented when this happened. I want to try other things like vapor and maybe something else."
"Well I think that's a good idea. Because to make this airborne it will take a lot. Not to mention that these things are over every part if this world."
"I keep in context with other countries. But until I get this administering thing down I can't tell them how to make it. Now that we have the cure, we can save people."
"Would the cure work on people who have been bitten but not yet changed?"
"Sadly no. I had some of Caras cells left and I tested it. The result was death of the cell. This is a good thing. There would be no chance of this happening again from this apocalypse."
I smiled at him and helped him clean the lab. I washes the tables and floors while he took care if waste and the injections. He stored the cure in the refrigerator and we were done for the day. We headed back upstairs and I smiled when I saw Kade was holding and feeding Levi. I loved how it felt knowing the end was insight. I loved knowing my son would he safe and soon we would be free of this place and the zombies would all be dead. It was the best feeling I could ever have and I liked that. I had yet to talk to Kade about it but I knew my plan. I sat beside Kade and watched as he fed our son. Kade kissed me and I kissed Levi. This is how I wanted my life to be.

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