Life After Zombies

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The cure had worked. The zombies died and we were safe again. We moved into the houses a month after the detonation. The Canadians joined us and helped clean their houses as well. Riley and Phoebe found boyfriends. David found a wife. Phil, kept himself busy with studies and playing doctor. We had been given jobs. Now, we are all living happy. Though life isn't the same. We constantly carry our weapons, we fear any new people. We fear dead people will come back as zombies. We work only during the day and spend our nights trying to remind ourselves that Phil saved us. Levi is one now. A happy baby one who doesn't know what happened. We have a day where we spend mourning and remembering those we lost. My mom, Riley, Alisa, Bryan, Terry, Chad, and Cara. We spend the day remembering them. Telling stories about them and other things. We have slot of time in our hands now. We have the trucks still and have to travel far for supplies, as we picked everything clean that was close. David took in Riley and her boyfriend. Phoebe, is pregnant, expecting a girl. She lives with her boyfriend and his family in their house. Phil, lives at the lab, and works a lot. He found someone to love. Kade, works in the fields and on runs into town. As for me, well, I am pregnant again. Though I don't know what I am having yet, we are excited. If it's a girl, we will name her, Evelyn Skye, after my mother. If it's a boy we will name him, Chad Ryan, after our dear friend Chad.
In no way has life gotten easier. It's a struggle every day. We all work hard to keep ourselves alive. Luckily none of us have gotten sick. We are all healthy. We grow our own crops, we found some wild Turkeys, and chickens. We use them for eggs. Though we don't have near, we survive on what we find in town and what we grow in our fields. The hardest thing about life now, is remembering that money doesn't matter right now. No laws exits anymore. We have to remember that everything we do changes life as we know it. Phil doesn't mess with DNA anymore. He works on ways to help us grow crops more organic. Now when we want to leave and go for a walk, we can. Though the past will forever be in our memories. We learned a lot about each other then, now that makes our lives even better. Friendships are stronger. Relationships that much better. I will never be thankful for what happened, but I will always cherish the people I met because of what happened.
That is my story. If you have learned anything from me, please know that even though there is safety in numbers, not everyone can be trusted.


Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think. I had fun writing this.
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