The Bomb

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"A bomb. A very large bomb. That's the only thing I can think of. But we would have to have the other survivors do the same thing. I need to full them in. Can you give me an hour or two before we start construction?" Phil asked me.
"Of course. I'll take my lunch early." I said.
I left him to communicate with the rear of the surviving people. I went upstairs and grabbed a sandwich and sat at the table. Phoebe came out of my room holding Levi and smiled. She brought him to me and I took him and kissed him.
"Early lunch?" She asked as she sat across from me.
"Yeah, we have figures out how to disperse the cure, but need the rest of the world on board. He's communicating with them now." I told her.
"Phil has been working non stop for weeks. He wants this to end as bad as we do."
"He does. He is sick of worrying about everyone who goes on the runs. He worried about the safety here because of Levi. He is as scared as we are. This is giving him hope. Making him forget the fear."
"Where is Kade today? Haven't seen him lately."
"Working in the fields today. He's helping Riley and your dad with harvest. He keeps busy."
She smiled as I finished my lunch and handed Levi back to her. I cleaned up my mess abscesses back down to the lab. Phil was still working so I headed out to the fields and saw Kade take a break. He came up to me and hugged me. I kissed him and held on tightly.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing, just miss seeing you. Phil has me working like crazy. I barely have time with Levi let alone you." I said.
"It will all work out. Phil knows what he's doing. Ask for a day or two off. You haven't had a day off since Levi was two weeks old. You need to relax."
"I know. I have to get back to it. I love you."
"I love you too."
I walked back into the building and into the lab. Phil was still communicating but I got to work gathering things I knew we would need. Protective suits, gloves, breathing masks, tools and materials. Phil finished talking and stood.
"We have two weeks. They all agree that it's possible to do this. We will detonate the bombs at the exact same time in two weeks. It will be best for spread and effectiveness. I will keep in contact with them. Let's get starting." Said Phil.
We put on our suits and got to work. We build the case for the bomb and wired it. It took us hours to do that. I we stored the case and began working on the piece that would hold the cure and explode when the bomb exploded. I was nervous while working on it. One wrong step and we wouldn't have our cure anymore. I fought hard against my nerves and shaking hands. When we finally ended for the day I sat down and sighed. I had been so nervous and scared I would beds something up, but I didn't. Phil helped me out of my suit and we both showered in the shower in the lab. When I finally made it up to the living quarters, Kade was there feeding Levi. It had been weeks since I got out of working at a decent time. I say beside Kade and he kissed me. It felt amazing to be this close to an end. It felt wonderful to know I would be able to put my son to sleep and cuddle with Kade before I fell asleep. We still had tons of work to do to prepare for the detonation of the bombs but we needed to prepare as well. No going outside for a few says to ensure that the cure had time to spread. I took Levi from Kade and burped him and kissed his little face. I carried him into our room and sat on the bed with him. Kade followed and it felt like our family was finally whole.
"Two weeks. Two weeks and this should be over." I said.
"That close?" He asked me.
"Yeah, the other survivors from around the world are working I'm their bombs and we will all detonate at the same time on the same day in two weeks."
"I can't believe the end is so close."
"Not close yet. There isn't a guarantee that this will work. We need to know that if this fails, it's back to working long hours and longer says, for me. I have to help Phil finish this."
"I know. But it doesn't hurt to hope it works."
"I know, but in the last few months, I've learned not to get my hopes involved. I've learned not to hope, because something can go wrong."
"It will work, I know. You and Phil have worked hard for this. It will work."

The next morning I was given the task of finding a place to detonate the bomb. It was my job to know it was far enough away from our safe place that we wouldn't get hurt in the blast. I knew to look into open fields. That meant I needed to be able to leave. I asked Kade and Chad to take me. Riley had Levi and Phil was alright to work on his own. We headed out and drove toward the open fields that Kade and Chad told me about. We were miles away before I saw a real place that could work. A field that was over grown with weeds and crop. It looked like it could work. I marked it on the map and we moved on. We found a few other open fields that could work. I marked them all down. We turned around and went to head back. Off in the distance we saw a large group of zombies coming toward us. Chad floored it and we drove out of there.When we reached the safe place, we went in and called everyone inside, just in case they had followed us. First thing Kade and I had done was check on Riley and Levi. Then I went to work. My hands shook as I showed the map to Phil.
"The middle one looks like it would work." He said, "Now is there a safe place I can sit when I detonate it?"
"I am assuming the armored truck would work." I told him.
"I see, well it could work. The bomb is almost finished. We will be able to detonate it come time. The Canadians contacted me this morning and said that they will be traveling down here to us once it's safe."
"Alright. What do you need me to do?"
"Well if you could help me wire the detonator I would appreciate it."
"Will it explode?"
"No, I haven't set it to detonate yet. We are in the clear."
"How do you know how to build a bomb? Especially this size."
"I am an experimental scientist. I've build experimental bombs and ones this size. It's a normal thing for me."
I nodded and we got to work in the remote detonator. He told me what to do and I did it. We worked for hours on the remote. Once we finished he put it on his desk and marked that off his list.
"We are ahead of schedule. So we are clear for tonight." He said.
I smiled and headed up to see Levi. When I arrived upstairs he was asleep in Rileys arms. I carefully took him and places him in his bed. Kade wasn't back from the fields yet. I sat on our bed and watched Levi sleep. I missed watching him sleep. I stood and walked to his bed and watched him sleep. He looked so sweet and calm asleep. I kissed his head and headed out to get something to eat. It was Davids turn to cool so we were waiting on him. He smiled as I sat down on the couch.
"It's nice to see you finally able to join us." Said David.
I smiled at him, "I know. We are ahead if schedule so I am able to be here for dinner. It feels great."
He chuckles, "I understand your feeling. We have all been working on harvest. Phil wants us to have enough supplies to last us a while out of this place. He wants a few of us to scout out a small neighborhood for us to live in that's close to here."
"Yeah maybe need a bigger one. The Canadian survivors are traveling down here once it's safe."
"Oh really, that's news. He hasn't told us yet. Chad and I were going to scout tomorrow. We need to know where we can go after the bombs."
"I agree. Maybe he will tell you tomorrow. They just told him."
David nodded and returned his attention to the cooking. Levi woke up and started crying so I went and got him. I changed him and breastfed him. Kade came in as I was feeding Levi. He kissed me then headed for the shower. I smiled, my family was working out. Kade hadn't left us, Levi was healthy, and I was helping cure this zombie apocalypse. My life was looking up once again. I couldn't help but smile at the future. Levi would have a nice normal zombie free life, that's what mattered to me.

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