The Story

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"It happened when I was four and Cara was eleven. We were playing in our front yard when he pulled up and got out. He had a dog leash in his hand. He came to us and said that his dog had run away and asked if we had seen it. Cara told him no and to leave us alone. He looked sad. I felt bad and followed him to his car. Cara came after me. She began pulling me away. The man had a smile on his face and he grabbed us and shoved us in his car. He drove off and didn't seem to be looking for his dog. I was scared. I kept asking for mommy and Cara told me to be quiet. She was mad that I had gotten us taken." Riley said on a sigh, "When we were allowed out of the car, we were taken I to a garage and into a dark room. He pushed us inside and shut the door. Cara tried to open it but he had locked it. We screamed and screamed but no one came. I became tired and Cara let me sleep on her lap. When I woke up, the door was open and he was standing there with a belt and a chain in his hands. Cara shoved me behind her and we stood. He didn't move, just stated at us. I remember being so scared I had an accident. He finally moved and pulled Cara to a corner and chained her to the wall. When he came to me, he was angry. He slapped me and hit me with the belt. Over and over and over and over. When he stopped he chained me to the wall. I remember asking for food. That got me punched in the stomach. It hurt so bad I three up. Cara screamed and tried to get to me but her chain wouldn't let her. The man left and we were alone. Cara sang to me. I cried and cried. About a month after we were taken our chains were removed. He allowed us out into the garage and told us if we didn't try and get away we could remain loose. I remember believing him. But through the window we saw a child around Caras age. She came to the window and we his in the shadows. We weren't supposed to show ourselves to her. One day he let her feed us. She looked sad and lonely. She helped us get away. But he found us. He best us and tied us up again. We lives in that room for years. One day the girl came and let us loose. She was crying. She fed us good that day. Pancakes, bacon and eggs. Grilled cheese and soup, and hamburgers and fries. I thought it was odd that he didn't come to see us that day. She never took care of us. Cara finally asked where he was and that's when Morgan lost it. Told us he died of a heart attack and that he was no longer going to hurt us. We thought we were free. But Morgan wouldn't let us leave. She best us daily, blaming us for his death and she starved us. Then when the zombies came, she moved us into the house and kept the pets in the garage. If we made her mad, she would put us inside and tie one up just out of reach of us so we would be scared. After hours being I there she would take is inside and beat us. It was my idea to set them free when she was working in the gardens. I snuck into the garage and let them loose. The scratched me as they went by. Cara got in the way and was scratched, but she was ill already. Morgan was attacked, but didn't get injured. I played like they got out on their own and acted like I was with them in the yard. She believed it for a while, but when she realized the door had been opened for them she best us. Cara was I'll so she got the worst of it. I was scared. That was when she decided to come here. She told us that we were her sisters and we were on the run after our home got attacked. She wanted to take over and make you all slaves like Cara and I were. But she didn't plan on us being examined for sores and scratches. It made her angry that you wanted to be alone with me. She didn't like that. Now your people are out there with her trying to get rid of her. She will come back for me. For you all. She will want that baby."

"She can try, we won't let that happen." I told her. "Did that man do anything bad to you? Other than bearing you?"

"He made Cara pregnant when she was sixteen. When he found out he beat her until she bled and lost the baby. He was an evil man."

I hugged her and she cried. She sobbed into my shoulder as Phil took her vitals. He nodded as the door opened. Kade came in looking sad.

"We were attacked outside the hospital. Morgan and Richard were bitten and eaten. We got the medicine you asked for, but we lost them." He said.

"You hear that Riley, you snare safe from Morgan. She can't hurt you anymore." I told her.

She hugged me tighter and hugged Kade. He smiled and helped her off the bed and we showed her up to our floor. We put her in Phoebes room and I sat down. I would be needed in the lab soon, but I could rest.

"I take it she told you the story?" He asked.

"It's a bad one. A sad one. I feel for her. She has been without family for twelve years. I think she needs time to adjust to freedom again." I told him.

"If anyone can bring her back it's Phoebe. We made a good choice in putting her with her. Are you okay? Feeling fine?"

"Fine. Everything is okay. Just need to go to the lab to help figure out what illness Cara had. He wonders if infecting everyone with it will protect them."

"Not you?"

"We are no where near the testing phase yet. I won't be infected at all. This I promise."

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