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There came a time when I sat down in my room and thought about everything. Lord knows I had enough time. But I often thought about life. How it would effect Levi. How it would turn out for Kade and I. How I would ever explain to Levi how his grandmother and Aunt died. I had a lot of time on my hands. I often thought about what I wanted to do once it was safe to leave that place. Would I find a house I could easily clean and call it my own? Would I travel the country and see who else survived? Would I go back to my hometown and show Levi where I free up and where I had to run from? I wasn't sure of those answers because one thing mattered most to me. That was Levi surviving birth and Kade staying with me. He was always busy then and never really had time for me. Though I knew I did it to pay our keep, as I was on bedrest. But I still wanted a chance to know marriage and prove to our son we loved each other. Though I knew Kade loved me, I still worried about his actions. I spent a lot of time with Phoebe and Riley. They helped me prepare for Levi and everything. Setting up a small nursery in a corner and organizing everything they said I would need. They has become friends. Making me think about their future. Riley was alone, a victim of a kidnapping twelve years before. Phoebe had her father and would probably move on with him. Riley had grown on me. Her story had inspired me to move on and know that even this couldn't stop me from living the life I was given. Would David allow Riley to go with them? Could Kade and I take her on as well as Levi? If we did take her on we would need a house as well as supplies. Which at that time, would have been scarce. I didn't know the details then, but throughout time I did figure it out. I would raise Levi, even if I had to do it alone. I would move on and find a nice house that I could clean and make my own. I would survive by asking David, Phoebe, and Riley to come with us. Levi would then have a male role model and I would have friends. I also had a plan for if Kade didn't leave. We would raise Levi and find a place of our own. Hopefully close to Phoebe and Riley. We would work with whoever wanted to love near us and create our version of a city. We would make friends with everyone help where needed. I knew my plan. I knew what I wanted to do. But the realization of that made me worry. What if I died and couldn't take care of Levi? What if Kade died as well and Levi was an orphan? How would Levi survive without me? Who would raise him? Who would become his new parents? Would he get bitten scratches or anything else by a zombie, before the cure? Those questions were just some of what was going on at that point. I worried about remaining pregnant for as long as I could. I was worried Kade didn't love me. I was worried Levi wouldn't survive. I worried all the time. But I knew everything would be fine. I wouldn't let Levi out of my sight for long. I would work in the lab with Phil again. I would help everyone where needed. I would go on runs again. I would do whatever it took to be of help again. I wanted a safe place for my son. I wanted a living environment for him. I wanted him around people I could trust. I also knew that if I died and Kade wasn't around I needed to give someone the job of taking care if him. Who could I have asked that was able to take care of him? Phoebe, Riley, David, Phil, and the guards. I didn't want to think about it but I knew I had to figure it out. I knew online was great with kids so I would ask her and David to take Levi in. I had to. They were the most capable and the people I knew and trusted the longest.

As I spent the time on bedrest thinking, I planned and planned. But when I gave birth to my little boy, Levi James, in March, I knew my place. He survived the birth and was healthy. He was beautiful. All of my worries were out of my head the first time I held him. He had blue eyes and black hair. He was perfect. Kade love him and didn't leave our sides at all the first few days. Pricing that he loved both of us. But as the days moved into a week, the realization that we didn't have a trained childrens doctor, hit me. What if Levi got sick? What if he got hurt? What if Levi needed a doctor for anything? I became worried about everything. Who could see him and when. They had to wash their hands, or take a shower and out in clean clothes. No one with a cough it sneeze was allowed near him. I admit it how, I became neurotic. I didn't want Levi to need a doctor so I removed all possibilities that would cause need. Levi was a great baby. He rarely cried and didn't wake up too much at night. But that first week was rough. I was new at it and Kade had gone back to work three days after Levi was born. Phoebe and Riley helped me but it wasn't enough. I was afraid to sleep. I barely ate. We didn't leave out room for fear that he would get sick. But I realized I was being crazy. So with the help of Kade and everyone else I slept while someone else had him. I was allowing people to hold him. I was finally loosening up. All my worries had been coming back slowly, because I was alone all the time. Which didn't help matters. But once I allowed Levi out and about, I became more engrossed in his progress.

Before I knew it he was a month old and he was so much bigger than when he was born. Kade helped slot with him. He wasn't working as much, which gave me time to work with Phil as well. Which was a good thing because he had a breakthrough and needed my help. But before we could test anything he needed to record everything. He wanted to know what he had done to get this breakthrough. He told me it worked on the mutated cells he had kept from the few test patients we had before.


I know it's hot a normal chapter, but I wanted to give you all an insight into her mind and for you all to see what she had been thinking about the future. I have big changes planned and the cure is coming fast.
Until next time,
Song get bitten it scratched!

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now