The End In Sight

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In the month that had passed since the cure was found, Phil and I worked on the distribution method of it. We tried, most, water, bullets dipped in it, even just pouring it into the mouth of the zombie, but none of it would work for the killing and curing of the masses. We worked long hours daily and still couldn't come up with a distribution method. It was by chance that we did figure it out. We had been working with hear lamps and had forgotten to shut them off. The glass of the vial holding a small version of the cure exploded and the zombies we had died within a few minutes. It was then that we knew it needed to be airborne. Then we moved onto methods on how to make it happen. Kade didn't like the fact I was working a lot since Levi was only two months old, but it was important. On this day, I had woken up with Levi and played with him until time for me to go to work. He had grown slot in the two months since his birth. I would spend my lunch hour with him and time after work with him. Kade didn't like that. But I had to do what I needed to do. I handed Levi off to Phoebe and headed to the lab. Phil had what looked like a plastic box sitting on the desk.
"What's this?" I asked him.
"A plan. Maybe an explosion will send the cure far enough into the air to cure massive amounts of zombies." He explained to me.
"But wouldn't it take a massive explosion to cover any amount of area?"
"Your right. I am working on a bomb. One I can detonate at a specific time that is coordinated with the other countries. This is the beginnings of what I need. Kade and the guys are making a run today."
"What do you need me to do today?"
"Nothing as of now. Go up and spend time with Levi. I'll walkie up if I need you. I can't do anything until they get back."
I nodded and walked back upstairs. Kade had already left so I played with Levi I'm the floor of the on living area. Phoebe sat with us.
"So this is it huh? The beginning of the end?" She asked me.
"Not quite. He's working out details." I said, "But the end is close."
"I can't wait. I like it here, but I want to be in a house again. A place I can call home."
"Me too. I keep thinking we could find a small grouping of houses and everyone can live near each other."
"Dad has been talking about it. He wants to be near you and Levi. He wants to take Riley in as his child and he wants to be close to this place, in case the cure doesn't work for long."
"Me too."
"I can't help be wish the end was near, so we could've on with our lives. Phil told dad that the survivors from Canada want to come down here after the cure is released to live here. Maybe that's a good thing. Since we need to work on repopulating the world."
"There are survivors other places, but I agree. It might be nice to have fun with new people."
I kissed Levi and tickled him. Phoebe smiled and grabbed his hand. She was right. We needed to be near the lab just in case the cure didn't work. I knew then that I couldn't leave the area around the lab. Maybe Phil would offer me a job. Though money didn't matter anymore. We would need to figure that out. I knew then our future would be stressful but well deserved. I knew that once the cure was airborne we would have bodies to get rid if, houses to find, clean and stores to raid for supplies since we had picked most of the ones close to us clean. We would have to figure out rules, and things like that. The cure would just be the beginning. The rest would be up to us to finish and begin living a somewhat normal life. Kade and I would raise Levi with the knowledge of what we learned during this time, and David and Phil would be close in case we needed assistance with Levi or something. Once the people came in from Canada we would have friends and maybe even a real doctor.
"Have you ever wondered what life would be like if the cure didn't work?" Asked Phoebe.
"Well I have, I honestly don't want to think about it. I want to raise Levi in a life like we had before. A happy family and a house that's safe from clean eating zombies." I told her.
"I don't want that life either. I want a life where dad and I can live like we didn't loose my mom and Terry. He doesn't talk about them anymore. He used to. We would talk about memories we had at night before bed, so we would have good dreams. But now we don't talk about them. It's like he forgot about them."
"With all the runs he and Kade have been doing lately, I understand why he is stressed. Zombies are everywhere out there. I think he is scared that maybe one day he won't return and leave you alone. He fears that it will happen. Maybe tell him that if he didn't worry too much, he could enjoy the fact that the end is close."
"Even with it being close, he will worry about the zombies coming back. Even though you tell him daily updates, he doesn't believe that the zombies will ever be yearly gone. I want to say that I trust Phil and this cure, but it's hard. You know, cause he cause this mess."
"I know what you mean, but you have to believe and have faith that God didn't plan us to live like this. He has to have had a master plan for us. Because if not, then I lose my mom, Riley, Alisa, and Bryan for nothing. God has this planned out for us."
I watched as she walked away. Levi began to cry so I took him into our room and breastfed him. As he are I looked around our room at the memories I had here. There was the first night we got here. There was the labor and when my water broke. The first time we had Levi in here. The time Kade professes his everlasting live for me. The time he promised he would live me forever. The time I came home excited about finding the cure. The memories are plenty. I didn't know how hard it would be knowing it was safe and leaving this place. I had no clue how hard it would be for me. I had no clue if I would even be able to leave or what that would hold if I did. I had no clue what came next, I just knew it would be a better life for Levi.

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now