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Two months later (February)

I smiled as Kade and David carried in yet another load of baby items. I felt huge and could barely move around. But Kade and David helped me around. Phoebe and Riley attend appointments with Phil. they also help me organize the never ending supply of baby items. That day the three of us headed to Phils upper level lab for my biweekly appointment. I sat on the table next to the ultrasound machines Phil came in and began measuring me and doing the ultrasound. He free some blood and tested my pressure. His face changed from happy to worried as he felt the baby through my stomach.

"Are you feeling any cramping?" He asked me.

"A little. Why?" I asked.

"Your having a contraction. I want to monitor you. Girls, can you stay with her whole I send the men I to town for some special equipment in case we need to deliver now?" He asked them.

"We can." They said at the same time.

"Deliver now? No we can't. It's too early." I said.

"If these contractions are the real thing we need to be prepared." He said and left the room.

"Please don't let him deliver the baby." I begged them.

"I won't let him. Let us know when you feel any cramping at all." Says Riley.

I sat on that table for what felt like forever before Phil came back. He sat next to me and hooked me up to a machine called a fetal monitor. It had been picked up a month ago. I was scared. I thought I had done something wrong and I thought that if he was born early, he would have died. Phil continued to work on the cure while I was hooked up. Phoebe and Riley had boxes of baby clothes they were organizing by size. They oohed and awed over each piece. I kept feeling the cramps but they never hurt too much. Every once in a while Phil would stop and look at the paper it was printing.

"Your contractions aren't too strong and are irregular. I want to monitor you for another hour or so and see if they lessen in frequency before I decide on next step." He said to me.

"Not delivery." I demanded.

"Delivery if needed. I won't deliver unless it has to happen." He promised me.

"You girls don't need to stay. You can go back down and read or whatever." I told Phoebe and Riley.

"We want to stay. With Kade gone, you need support. Besides, we like hanging out with you." Says Phoebe.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

I felt another cramp that was slightly stronger than the ones before. I breathed through it until it passed and relaxed. Phil noticed the change and came over to check the paper.

"They are getting stronger. I think it's time to try medicine to stop the contractions. But first I need to check to see how dialated you are." He said. He checked me, which hurt by the way, "Looks like your at one centimeter dialated. Let's get some medicine into you."

He went back to the computer and his books. He opened one and began reading. Before long he had a needle, an IV, saline, and a bowling medicine. He inserted the IV into my arm and gave me some of the medicine. He looked at the time.

"I need to monitor you for a few more hours. But until I know if this medicine is working, no food or water." He said and took the papers off the machine.

It began spitting out new as soon as he took the first set. I tried to remain calm but the more time went btu became nervous. I watches as Phil continued to work and the girls finished the clothes. Phil stood and came to me.

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