Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

So after I spent a few hours watching TV and drinking blood I decided I was bored so I got off of the couch and I grabbed the empty blood bottles and I walked into the kitchen and I put the bottles into the bin and then I walked over to the front door and I opened it as I was going to go for a walk and so when I opened the door I saw a note on the ground and it said Isabella on it.

Then I saw that the writing was very big as if whoever wrote it wanted me to see it and so I got scared because no one ever calls me by that name so I looked around the neighbourhood and I didn't see anyone out of the ordinary so I lifted the letter and I walked back inside my house and I shut the door and I locked it to and then I ran upstairs to my room.

As I got to my room I opened my door and I ran into the room and then I shut my door and locked it because even though I am a vampire right now and I can shift into anything I am still young and scared so I ran over to my bed and I sat up on it and then took a breath and I opened the envelope and I took the letter out of it and then I unfolded the letter and I looked at the writing and I read the letter.

Dear our sweet Isabella

I know you must be very confused as of what you are and who we are and we are so sorry we left you to figure it out on your own but it was for the best as your father and I had many enemies which is why we had to send you away but things are becoming more dangerous now and me and your dad think it is best for you to come home so we can keep you safe and when you get here we will explain everything.

Please sweetheart gives us a chance to explain everything to you because no matter what you think we did everything to keep you safe from everything bad in the world but it's time to come home because your father and I love you we always have now we are sending 2 boys over to your house to pick you up in 2 hours please baby girl go with them it's for your own safety.

Love mom and dad

Then I growled and I threw the letter to the ground and I got off of my bed and I ran vampire speed around my room and I started ripping the room apart as I kept getting angry about my real parents coming back into my life again and I got so angry that I started shaking and I felt my bones break and then I felt the shift happen and then I howled so loud my neighbours probably heard me but I didn't care I was to mad and angry to care.

So I just kept howling and I couldn't calm myself down to phase back and I stayed a wolf for 2 hours and then I heard a knock on the front door so I growled and I heard from outside Bella we know your angry but if you don't calm down you won't phase back and I growled again and then I started calming myself down and I started thinking of happy memories of my adopted parents.

Then I thought of calming thoughts of how I am a nice and kind person and then I felt the shift happen and I realised I was human again and not the vampire I shifted into but I didn't car right now so I walked over to my wardrobe and I opened it and I pulled out a pink top with black jeans and trainers and I put them on me and then I walked over to my bedroom door and I unlocked it and I opened it and walked out it and then I walked over to the stairs and ran down them.

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