Chapter 14

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Bella's pov

Once I teleported us back to forks I made sure I teleported us back to my old house outside of the reservation and when we got to the house I walked up to it and I opened the front door and I said ok Tom go get washed and change your clothes because we aren't staying here we are going to see you grandparents.

So then Tom smiled and said yes I've always wanted to see them and I said yeah I know now go and Tom said ok mommy and he ran upstairs and then 15 minutes later he ran back down and he said ready mommy and I said good boy let's go and then Thomas took my hand and we walked out of the house and we ran into the woods.

Then we kept running until we got onto the reservation and we we did I ran us straight to my mother and father's house and when we got there I walked up to the door and I knocked on it and then I looked at Tom and I said you ready big guy and Tom smiled and said yes mommy.

So I said good and then the door opened and I saw my father Sam standing there and he gasped when he saw me and he said Bella your back and I said yeah dad I'm back and then I pulled my daddy into a hug and my dad said as he hugged me back we missed you Bella and I said yeah me to.

Then I let go and then my dad said come in Bella and I said thank you and then me and Thomas walked into the house and I walked into the living room and when I got there I saw my mommy and the pack and so I smiled and I said guess who's back and everyone turned and looked at me and gasped.

As the shocks and gasps continued my mom ran to me and hugged me and said its good to have you back Bella and I said yeah it's good to be back and then Leah said so who's the boy and I said well everyone this is my son Thomas and Thomas this is your family and then everyone told Tom who they were and what their relationship with Tom was.

Then we all sat down with Tom on my knee and I told my family about the last 399 years of mine and Tom's life and my mom and dad where so upset but I made them fell better and then for the rest of our life's me and Tom stayed and lived with my pack and my parents.

The end

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