Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

Once I said that everyone in the room gasped and Jacob said no Bella you weren't better off staying away from us because we have just found out from an animal eating coven that the human eating coven had found you and where coming after you and I said oh my god no way that must have been who had moved next door to me the man and woman had red eyes and everyone gasped and Billy said Bella how long ago did they move in and I said no longer than 2 weeks or maybe 3 I don't know I can't be sure of the correct time.

 So then Sarah said ok then it was as well we got you out of there when we did and I said ok fine I understand why now but I have some questions and Harry said sure Bella ask away and I smiled and said ok so how come your all just wolves and I can shape shift into anything I want and Sue said because Bella your father is a wolf but your mother is a shifter like you and I smiled and said ok then the main question I want answered who are my parents.

 Then Emily said ok Bella now you must remember that no matter who your parents are they sent you away to keep you from being killed and I said yeah I know and I don't care who it is I just want to see them and old Quil said ok Bella now please don't get upset because if you do you will shift and I said yeah I know this I have been dealing with it all my freaking life now stop stalling and tell me who my parents are or I'm leaving and Jacob said ok Bella your real parents are Sam and Emily which makes Joshua and Allison your grandma and grandpa and it makes Embry your uncle.

 So I growled and started getting angry because all my life I have wished for this day and now it's come I don't want it but yet some how I calmed myself down and I ran over to Sam and Emily and I hugged them both and I said thank you for keeping me safe and both my mom and dad hugged me back and my mom said your welcome baby girl your our daughter and you always will be no matter what ok and I smiled and said ok mom and then my dad said so how about we all sit down and talk to each other and get to know each other for a while.

Then I said I'd like that very much and my dad said ok good and then everyone in the room all sat down in the living room on the couches including me and we all talked and got to know each other for about 2 hours and then everyone went home and my dad said alright Bella I think it's time for bed and I said you mean I have my own room and my mom said of course you d baby girl you live here now and I smiled and hugged my mom and dad and I kissed both their cheeks and I said goodnight love you both and my mom and dad said night Bella.

So then I stood up and walked to the stairs and I said um where is my room and my parents laughed and my dad said standing up and walking over to me come on I'll show you and I said thanks and we both walked upstairs to a room at the top of the hall and my dad opened the door and said here sweetie this is your room and I said thanks daddy and I hugged him and I walked into the room and then my dad shut my door and I smiled and thought thank god I have a meaning in life now and then I walked over to my drawer and I opened it and got some PJ's out and I took my clothes off and put the PJ's on and then I got into bed and I went to sleep.

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