Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I sat up and I saw I was on a bed so I got off of it and I walked over to my room door and I opened the door and I walked out it and I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw my parents and my grandparents sitting at the table talking so I walked into the room and I said what did Dr Cullen inject me with and the 4 of them turned and looked at me and my dad said he gave you a sleeping drug to calm you down and I said oh ok.

Then my mom said so Bella anything you want to tell us and I said ok look I know you all must be angry but it wasn't my fault Mike took it to far and my grandma said yeah we know he told us and the Doctor also said that you were 4 months alone Bella and I said yeah I know and I was surprised at that to and then my dad said Bella your not keeping this child you are still to young to care for a baby and I gasped and I started to shift.

So then I said no fucking way am I aborting this baby dad and then I shifted into a vampire to protect my baby and I felt the hunger building up inside me and I ignored it as I said no one is hurting my child and my mom said Bella sweetie think about this a child will talk away your whole life and I said no mom a child will give me life and then my grandpa said well you aren't living here while you still have that child growing in you because that child will draw the human drinkers to it and then you will be putting the pack, their families and everyone else in this reservation at risk.

Then I said ok then I won't live here anymore if you hate my child so much then you can go fuck yourselves all of you and my mom said Bella no don't we only got you back 5 years ago and I said yeah I know but until everyone wises up around here I won't be back so please tell Leah, Rachel and Rebecca I'll miss them and I love you all so much and I just hope in time no matter how long that time is you will learn to forgive me and not hold my child responsible for me leaving and then I used my vampire speed and I vamp ran out of the house and into the woods away from my family and my home.

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