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Just as they were about to order they heard a familiar voice getting louder and louder.
"Sorry Pam but-" just then Beatrice tackled Pam to the ground causing Pam to die instantly. "This table is mine!"
"Oh my! It's Beatrice!" John shouted while going in for a hug Beatrice quickly punched him knocking a few teeth out. "I-i-it's ok Beatrice, I-I still love y-y-you.." he says in agony. Beatrice chuckled a little bit and asked them what they wanted. She seemed a little happier than the last time they saw her. She was the waitress they had at the Denny's that they got engaged at. As they ordered their classic lasagna Garfield asked what changed between then and now.

"Well I got relocated to the Denny's in Italy so I'm pretty happy about that. I still hate my job and my miserable existence. That part hasn't changed." She then walked away with the same kind of aura she had when they first met. Garfield laughed for himself while he collected Johns teeth. Beatrice is the kind of gal who never changes. Her same awful purple eye shadow shined half as bright as her yellow crooked smile. After about three hours They finally got their Lasagna. It was warm on the sides but freezing in the middle. There was quite a bit of mold and many flies zooming around the lasagna. John killed all the ones around him but Garfield decided to let them have some of his. The sad paper plates the lasagna was resting on was clearly used before and a little damp.

Once they finished their meal and paid their check they got their bags and headed to the back of the Denny's where they made themselves at home. They both rested on the big trash bags in the Denny's dumpster and relaxed.

After a few hours of making out it was getting dark. They were rudely interrupted by a gaggle of raccoons wanting their home back. Garfield got on all fours and pounced at the raccoons fighting some of them off. John cheered him on as he fought off the raccoon gang making it known this was no longer their home. Watching Garfield in action made Johns heart skip a beat. A light blush spread across his face as he studied Garfield. 'I swear he's gotten taller for some reason. And he looks a little more.... human like..." John thought to himself. But he shrugged it off once Garfield was finished fighting the raccoons. They both were very tired and decided to go to bed. Garfield climbed into Johns arms and rested his head in the crook of his neck and they both quickly fell asleep.

Hey y'all, this is in no way supposed to actually reflect Italy and how they serve their food. I don't even think they have a Denny's in Italy. I'm really sorry if this offended any of you but that was not my intention I'm just writing this for fun.

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