-Oh Boy-

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"I OBJECT!!!" Someone shouted from the back row. As everyone's heads whipped around to see who it is, Nermal stood from his seat! Nermal had found out when and where the wedding was and decided to sneak in.
"Nermal?? What are you doing here?? Why are you interrupting my wedding?" Garfield asked him. The whole crowd was in shock, especially Odie (his microwave handle was on a chair in the front row).
"I came here today to say I still love you Garfield!!" Everyone gasped. "I'm so sorry that I broke up with you just because you look different. That was such an awful and rude thing for me to do, we went through so much together and I just ended it all just because of your looks. I'm so sorry I ended our relationship. I would love to get back together if you'll have me so what do you say?"

"What do I say? What do you mean?? I say no, you can't just expect to march into my wedding years after our relationship ended and expect me to just fall back in love with you!! That day you broke up with me, we both had something we wanted to talk about and I wanted to break up with you but you did it before I could. So if you don't mind I'm going to marry John and if you don't like it, you can leave. Also you weren't invited so you should leave." Garfield replied. He was trying is best to not get all worked up because his ex came to his wedding uninvited and wanted to get back together.

Nermal nodded and picked up his things to leave but on his way out Odie began to rise above the crowd. The microwave handle flipped aggressively in the air as a golden summoning circle began to form in the sky. It then abruptly stopped and pointed directly at Nermal. Suddenly Nermal was enveloped in flames and in a matter of seconds both the fire and Nermal were gone. All that was left was his ashes. Odie then fell back in his seat and the wedding was finally able to continue.

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