-Goodbye, Garfield-

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For those who are sensitive to death and or suicide, please read the next chapter with caution❤️❤️

As John steadily made his way down the hall, thoughts of Garfield raced around in his mind.
Once he got down the hall he made a few turns and found the stairwell. He sluggishly began to make his way up the stairs
I can't live without you

Moments pass and he made it up to the roof. There he stood, on the roof of the hospital. The place his lover died.
I couldn't do anything for you. I was utterly useless.
Tears began to roll down his cheeks again. Between Garfield passing away and his built up frustration, he couldn't take it anymore. Garfield was the one person in his life that made him feel whole. Though he dated many people in the past, he was the only one that made John truly happy. The only one that made him smile whenever John thought about him. The only one that ate his cooking everyday for every meal. The only one that left him wanting more.

The only one that made him feel completely.

Rivers of tears streamed down his cheeks as he slowly walked over to the edge of the building. Staring down at what will be his death, he decided his last words would be in honor of Garfield: "goodbye, love."

He then stood tall, spread out his arms, and braced himself to plummet to his death. He felt the wind against his face but not the falling sensation? He then noticed the familiar grip on his wrist.

Teary eyed, John slowly turned around. He couldn't believe what he saw.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?!!" Garfield shouted.

He was in a hospital gown, gripping onto his IV bag stand for balance. He was out of breath and pretty sweaty but he was starting to look like himself again.

"So just because I "died" you have to die too? How do you think that makes me feel??" Tears began to stream down Garfield's face. The thought that Johns death was his fault was too much for him. The doctors had knocked him out and given him fast acting medication in order to save his life. It was risky but it ended up working enough for him to be in a stable condition. When he woke up all the doctors were explaining how he had been given the wrong medication for the past month and that John believes that he died. Once he heard that he was rushing around the hospital looking for John. Of corse the doctors were running after him since he was still in pretty bad condition. Since he couldn't find John in the hospital he thought he'd try the roof. But once he got there, he was so grateful he had gotten there in time. He then helped John back onto the roof and pulled him into a tight embrase. They both cried and held each other for what felt like an eternity. Garfield then pulled away and backed up a little from John. He was staring down at the round, saying nothing. John was about to break the silence when Garfield suddenly slapped him. The suddenness of the slap caught him off guard and he stood frozen for a few seconds. John then brought his hand to his face and rubbed it lightly, "Hey that really hu-"
"Don't you ever think about doing that again." John had never heard Garfield sound so serious. It sent chills down his spine.
"This must be news to you but there are still other people in this world that care about you. Just because you thought I was gone doesn't mean you should stop living. There are so many other people in this world that would be devastated if you died! Not to mention I'd be pretty mad if I saw you in the afterlife." Garfield chuckled a little bit at the end. He then pulled John into another hug and squeezed him lightly. "I'm sorry for slapping you. It's just that you need to get it through your thick skull that everyone around you values and loves you. I need you to understand that. You shouldn't just throw away your life if something happens to me. Your such an idiot." Tears started to well in Garfield's eyes again as he began to hug John tighter.

"I'm so sorry Garfield. I didn't even think about how this would effect you and the other people in my life. I guess you're right, I really am an idiot." John laughed a little. He then picked up Garfield and headed to the elevator. Once they got in the elevator they hit the button for the bottom floor and walked out to Johns car. They then drove to the gas station, got a ton of lighter fluid and matches, and drove back to the hospital.

Once they arrived they spent two hours covering the hospital in lighter fluid while trying not to get caught. Once they were done they lit two matches and flicked them onto the hospital together. They set both the hospital and the bad memories to the ground.

"I love you Garfield."

"I love you too John."

They then shared a passionate kiss in front of the burning building.


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