-Uncertain Love-

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Time skip a few days later

John walked into Garfield's room at the hospital. They were going to keep him at the vets but he'd soon become human so they moved him to a near by hospital. But of corse Dr. Liz insisted on treating him and the hospital allowed it since her friend is a very well known doctor there. As John stepped into Garfield's room he opened his mouth to speak but saw that Garfield was resting. His peaceful sleeping face was enough to make John smile. He quickly turned around and closed the door quietly. He then took a seat next to Garfield's bed and waited for him to wake up. He had brought some more roses for Garfield and a Thomas the Train balloon. Classic.

After an hour or two of waiting for Garfield to wake up, his eyes finally fluttered open. "Oh... hey John.." Garfield spoke in a tired tone while rubbing his eye with his index finger. He then gave John a soft and genuine smile as he glanced over at the roses and balloon. "John you really don't have to.."

John smiled back and waved away Garfield's concerns. "So um how do you feel today?" John questioned.

"Not too bad I guess. I don't really feel any change, I'm not sure if that's good or bad!" He smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. John gave him nothing but a saddened stare. He knew Garfield too well and could see how worried he actually was. Garfield dropped the act and let out a loud sigh.

"Now tell me what's actually wrong. Why are you upset?"

"Well I don't know John maybe it's just that I only have a month or two to live and I'm spending everyday in this stupid hospital bed!" John flinched at being yelled at and Garfield immediately apologized, "I'm sorry John I'm just really stressed out. I had no idea that this was going on and maybe if I had known I wouldn't be a month away from death... and actually there's something I want to talk to you about.." Garfield looked up at John who urged him to keep going.

"Well when we were talking to Dr. Liz a few days ago you said something...'I just fell even more in love once his face changed.' and I wanted to ask you about it..." Garfield trailed off.

"Well what is it?" John asked curiously.

Garfield sighed, fighting back tears as he began to speak. "Did you really only fall in love with me when my face changed? And what if I'm actually able to be healed and live on... will you still love me when I have my actual face back? Would you have put that love potion in my lasagna if I never got Peter Griffins disease? Do you... actually love me..?"

John paused for a moment before responding. This silence made Garfield even more unsure. He began to overthink until he saw tears fall from Johns eyes. Small drops rolled down his cheeks and fell onto his blue jeans, making scattered uneven circles. Johns fists balled up and his face went red. Before he could even say a word, Garfield already felt shameful.
"What the hell do you mean "do I actually love you?" I have never felt such deep compassion for someone in my entire life. I love you so much it hurts. Your appearance means nothing to me! I won't lie you are attractive but your looks are not what I love about you. I love how you enjoy my cooking. I love how you don't care that we've been living in a dumpster. I love how you make me feel important, valued, and appreciated. You were the first person who I felt like actually cared for me. I will forever love you for that."

Before Garfield could even respond to Johns words, John hugged him. He held him so tightly, so dearly, almost like Garfield was breaking up with him. John held onto Garfield as if his life depended on it. After a few seconds of shock, Garfield hugged him back. John cried into Garfield's hospital gown. "Don't you ever doubt my love for you again!"

Garfield began to cry a little bit too. He didn't cry because he was sad, he cried because he felt what John said was true.

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