-Bad News-

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"W-what?" John asked aloud.
"When I first saw you when I walked in I was pretty sure you had it just based off of your appearance. But just to be sure I ran a few tests and it's true. And it's- oh Garfield is that a wedding ring?" Dr. Liz asked. Though she was in the middle of diagnosing Garfield she had just noticed the ring. Garfield blushed lightly and nodded. "So it looks like you and Nermal tied the knot huh?" She smirked a little trying to lighten the atmosphere that she created.
"Well actually...." Garfield started to sweat a little bit, not knowing how'd she react. "Me and John got married recently.."
Dr. Liz quickly looked over at John completely in shock. John tried to explain himself, "Well when we were dating I realized that what we had wasn't what I wanted. I realized that I was in love with Garfield and I just fell even more in love once his face changed."

There was a long pause as Dr. Liz stared down at the ground. "You..... you left me for... for your cat??" She quickly looked up at John tears started forming in her eyes.
John took a deep breath and thought for a moment, "Look, I didn't come here to argue with you any further. I came here so you could help my husband. Try and act a little professional."
Dr. Liz gasped. She had not expected this response from him nor had Garfield. She was about to tell him off when she realized what position she was in...
"You're right. I should be taking my job more seriously. Peter Griffins disease can take from 3-6 years for you to actually notice what's going on since the only way to tell something is wrong is by the outside. It's also extremely rare so it makes sense how you two wouldn't have known what was going on. Now when did your face change again?" She asked.

"Around 5 years ago when we first started dating..." Garfield answered.

Dr. Liz continued,"Ok that makes sense then. I'm sorry to inform you but it's far too late... if you had come to the vet the day your face changed you would've been fine. But since you didn't see this as a medical emergency then your disease only got worse. As far as we know there is no cure to what you have. You only have about two months to live."

Garfield and John looked at each other as tears began to form in both of their eyes.
"I'll give you two a minute.." Dr. Liz said as she closed the door. Once it was closed she smiled to herself. Peter Griffins disease was indeed curable at Garfield's state. Sure the treatment right treatment would take five months or so to heal him but it was possible. All Liz has to do is give Garfield the wrong medicine and he'll die within the next few months. And then her and John can be together again. She chuckled to herself as she ordered a few other nurses to put Garfield in a hospital bed. She made her way to her office and began to write Garfield incorrect prescription.

Peter Griffin Garfield x JohnWhere stories live. Discover now