-Beloved Garfield-

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Just as Dr. Liz predicted, John was running to Garfield's room. As soon as he got there he immediately snuggled up to Garfield and quietly cried himself to sleep. Garfield was almost entirely Peter Griffin at this point. He was still orange but his whole body resembled Peter. Garfield would die within the next few days due to his critical condition and lack of medical attention.

Garfield's pov:
Huh? Were is John? Hmmm.. all I can remember is going to sleep while laying on him but I don't remember him leaving. Maybe he went to the bathroom?? Whatever he'll come back eventually.

10 minutes later

Damn it I can't sleep without him here! I roll around in my hospital bed still wondering where he could have run off to. I settle down and stare up at the ceiling for a little bit. Will I die soon? I wonder how much time I have left...probably not much I mean if my own mother were to see me now she probably wouldn't even recognize me. A little tear runs down from the side of my eye. I just wish I could spend more time with John. But I'm a little happy I'm going before he is, I really don't think I could live without him. Damn it that's so selfish. Suddenly the door opens and I pretend to be asleep. I hear quiet sniffling coming closer and closer to my bed. I didn't know who it was until they laid down in my bed. It was John. He grabbed me and held me tightly as he cried quietly. I wonder what happened? I thought to myself. I nuzzled my head into his chest a little and he held me tighter. It must have been pretty upsetting if he's acting like this.. he never cries. I can't help but feel this is kinda my fault....


Dr. Liz sat there in her office wondering what her next move should be. She could inject him with John being asleep next to him but she couldn't risk him waking up again. No matter how much John hated her now she was certain one Garfield was out of the picture John would come crawling back to her in no time. Maybe she could wait till John left the room and then inject Garfield? But what if he starts questioning why there's another injection today? She could probably make something up but when they do the autopsy they'll find the poison in his blood stream. What to do....She wonders to herself as she lightly tapped her finger on her chin. Suddenly her eyes grew wide as she finally came up with something good, something that might work. She smiled as she packed up her things and made her way to her car to go home.

She had formed the perfect plan. Tomorrow was about to get even more wack than it already is.

Peter Griffin Garfield x JohnWhere stories live. Discover now