Whoops? (Sneaky 4th year part 2)

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crisp_ycelery on Instagram ^^^^


Y'all I'm sorry I don't update very often ._. I never thought my book would get so much hype and ngl it's kinda overwhelming- but imma try my best to update at least once in a while 😅 high school is kicking my ass tho

I'm also working on another book! It's going to be posted on my ao3 (same username) and under my co-writer's Wattpad YMCA_DA_DA_DA_DA It's a royal Au that we have been working on for a while, and I do not know when the first chapter will be posted, but be on the look out of that!

Anyway sorry bout the long authors note, onto the story.

In all fairness, Tommy didn't mean to let people know about Sam and Ponk's relationship. It just kinda happened.

He was telling Techno because hey, he didn't like keeping secrets that nobody else knew. It felt like a constant pressure on his shoulders. So he decided to tell his older brother! Good idea in thought. Because Techno wouldn't tell anyone (except for maybe Will, but he wouldn't tell anyone either). But Tommy didn't really account for someone possibly overhearing. And now here he was, sprinting through the halls, trying to figure out a way to tell the secret couple that he had accidentally outed them. Oh, how he felt terrible.

"Techno, can you keep a secret?" Tommy asked cautiously.

"What kinda question is that? Of course I can keep a secret." Techno responded rolling his eyes.

"Well, I kinda learned about something that I'm not supposed to tell anybody, but I really want to tell someone so it doesn't feel like such a huge deal on me?" Tommy rushed out saying. At that sentence he caught the ears of one mischievous 7th year, looking for a way to get back at Tommy.

"Well, spit it out," Techno said in his monotone voice.

"Well, Sam and Ponk... they are actually dating." This made Techno raise an eyebrow.

"Good for them." He said simply nodding. "Feel any better now Tommy?" 

"Yea, I do thanks."

"No problem. Now go and get to class." Techno said lightly punching Tommy's shoulder. Tommy turned around to head back to Arthrimacy and notice Schlatt walking away from them. They didn't see him in front so that means he must have been following behind, and then turned around, and he must have been following quite close. Where he could have overheard. Shit. Tommy panicked for a second, he knew he fucked up and wants to hear just how bad he fucked up. Tommy started following Schlatt, to see if he would do anything.

He then saw the man approach Quackity in passing, grinning mischievously. Schlatt put a hand on his shoulder and leaned to whisper in his ear. Quackity smiled a mischievous glint in his eye and nodded to Schlatt. the Schlatt kept walking in the direction he was headed.

Shit just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

Schlatt was still pissed at Tommy for publicly humiliating him and getting him detention. So if he could pin the secret getting out on Tommy, well, that would be perfect pay-back.

That's all of the evidence he needed to take off sprinting down the hall, trying to find Sam and Ponk.

Tommy wasn't sure where the two guys were exactly. While he was sprinting through the halls, he whipped around a corner and accidentally slammed into Wilbur, knocking them both to the floor. "ACK- Tommy? What the hell!" Wilbur was sprawled on his back now, Tommy on his stomach right beside him.

Mcyt: HOGWARTS ADDITIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora