hair.. braiding?

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One of the things Techno is known for is his long, pink hair. He is also known for his strength, short temper, violent tendencies, and his brothers. But also his signature look. Long pink hair that is generally kept in a braid and occasionally a bun or pony tail. When he isn't wearing robes he is known for his white collared shirt tucked into jeans with his red trench coat.

Everyone sees Techno's hair and just assumes he styles it himself but that is not the case. Wilbur, Techno's twin, is the one who always styles it for him. Kristin used to be the one to style it when they were very young, but Wilbur was always fascinated by it and insisted he was taught.


"Yes Wilbur?" Kristin was sat cross legged on the floor with techno in front of him brushing his hair.

"What are you doing?" Wilbur asked sinking down to the ground to sit cross legged next to her on the floor.

"Brushing Techno's hair before I braid it. Why?"

"Can I braid it?" Wilbur asked eagerly.

"Your gonna have to ask Techno, Will." Kristin responded with a chuckle.

"I mean sure, but do you even know how to braid?" Techno asked turning his head slightly so he could see Wilbur out of the corner of his eye.

"Mum can teach me! Right mumza?"  Wilbur asked

With another small chuckle Kristin responded "sure I can teach you, come here Wilbur."

Because of that Techno never learned nor cared to figure out to take care of his own hair, for he had his twin to do it for him. The knowledge was very useful when their mother passed away, Wilbur was able to do Techno's hair for him.

No one besides Tommy and by default Tubbo knew Wilbur was the one to braid it. One night the 4 boys were sitting in Tommy's common room late before Wilbur and Techno had to go on prefect/head boy watch for the night since it was the 7th years turn. Whenever they do this they always sneak Tubbo back to his room so he doesn't get caught being out of bed after hours.

"Hey Wil?" Techno said. Wilbur hummed in response without looking up from his book he was reading. "Could you re-do my hair real quick? It's bothering me." He said brushing a few strands away that had fallen into his face.

"Oh yea, of course." Wilbur slid his bookmark to mark his place and set it beside him. Techno slid off the couch where he was sitting next to Wilbur and onto the floor in front of him. Wilbur un-looped the rubber band at the end of the braid, sliding it onto his wrist. And started slowing combing his fingers through the braid from bottom to top so he didn't knot it.

"Will?" "Mumza?"

"Yea Tommy?" "Yes Wilbur?"

"What are you doing?" Tommy asked. "What are you doing?" Wilbur asked

"Oh just combing though Techno's hair before I braid it why?" Tommy 'oh'ed in response. "Brushing Techno's hair before I braid it. Why?"

"Can I braid it?" Tommy asked almost shyly. "Can I braid it?" Wilbur asked eagerly.

The twins looked over at Tommy and both Wilbur and Techno's eyes winded slightly  That tone caught both boys off guard for Tommy was never sheepish like that.

Wilbur let a small smile slide onto his lips before responding. "Sure, I can teach you. Come over here Tommy." With another small chuckle Kristin responded "sure I can teach you, come here Wilbur."

Tommy walked away from Tubbo, their card game laying abandon and sat next to Wilbur on the couch. Techno shifted over so he was leaning in between the two boys instead of leaning against Wilbur's legs. Tubbo got up after Tommy but walked around to the back of the couch and lent over to watch.

There was a lot of yelling, laughing, pulling Techno's hair more than he would have liked, and the phrase 'what are you taking about dickhead?!' Was used often, but eventually after Wilbur struggled to explain the concept of braiding to Tommy he got it. It took a few tries and over a half hour but he got it in the end.

And just like that there was another person to take care of Techno's hair when Wilbur wasn't around to do it for him.

692 words -🤠

A/N This was really short but I just wanted to write some cute fluff.

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