What do you want?

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"Hey Hufflepuff!" Tommy felt Tubbo tense beside him. "Where do you think your going?" Tubbo started to quicken his pace and tommy lengthened his own stride to keep up. "Hey! I was talking to you!" Tommy quickly realized that it was Schlatt who was calling out. There weren't that many other people in the corridor but everyone who was stopped to watch.

Tubbo finally stopped and slowly turned to the 7th year approaching them. "What do you want Schlatt?" Tubbo said through his teeth. Tommy could tell he was acting more confident than he felt.

"Hey, I just want to talk!" He said with a laugh but it wasn't hard to hear the venom in his voice.

"About what Schlatt." Tommy butted in. He took a step forward and put his hand on Tubbo's shoulder for comfort. Even though Tommy was younger than Schlatt he was the same height, for Tommy was really tall not just for his age, just really tall in general.

"Oh now what do we have here? Got your self a little bodyguard?" Schlatt mocked.

"Do you want something or are you just here to taunt Tubbo. Cause if you are here to taunt him I suggest you leave." Tommy spat back narrowing the eyes at the 7th year.

Tubbo wasn't normally a shy kid but he figured that even though Schlatt was here to pick on him, it was best to stay out of it and let tommy handle him. "I don't see why you feel the need to protect him. It isn't like you actually care about him. No one does." Tubbo was ready to just walk away at this point but his best friend had other ideas.

Tommy had enough of the tormenting and like the Gryffindor he was he wasn't going to let it stand. He pulled his arm back and sent his fist flying for the man's face. On impact Schlatt stumbled back a few steps and grabbed his nose and cheek where Tommy's fist hit him gaping at him with shock and built up anger. Yea, he could use his wand, but there is something more satisfying about feeling his fist hit him.

"Oh kid you are going to regret that." If steam could be coming out of his ears, it would have been. For the anger rolled off him in waves. Schlatt lunged for Tommy sending a fist for his face, this time giving him a split lip, which was worsened because of his braces and blood overwhelmed his taste buds.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled for his friend who just got socked in the mouth. Tommy barely heard him and lunged for Schlatt. They ended up in a full out fight on the ground and it lasted for a few minutes, Tubbo just standing there in shock, not sure what to do or how to help.

Then a familiar tall pair came around the corner. Wilbur was the first one to realize that one of the fighting kids was their little brother and started sprinting the rest of the way to them, Techno following close behind. Techno grabbed Schlatt and pulled him off his brother buy his shirt and Wilbur grabbed Tommy lifting him off the ground holding onto his arms when he tried to lunge at Schlatt again.

Tommy now had a split lip, black eye and bruised cheek with a gash along it most likely from one of Schlatt's rings, and even a bruised neck from Schlatt pinning him down. Schlatt has a bloody nose and bruised cheek, as well as a black eye and a bruised jaw. Tubbo came up and stood next to his best friend when Wilbur asked "What the hell is the meaning of this?!"

"This dickhead" Tommy started with a small lunge towards Schlatt but he was held back by Wilbur with a firm grip on his arm, "kept making fun of and tormenting Tubbo." Schlatt was seething at the two. Techno had released his grip on Schlatt seeing that he wasn't going to lunge out at Tommy, and was standing next to him.

"C'mon Tommy lets get you to Madame Pomfrey." Tubbo tried. Wilbur let go of his tight grasp on Tommy and Tubbo grabbed hold of Tommy's wrist and started pulling him in the other direction of Schlatt.

"Oh look now the Hufflepuff has to take care of that oaf of a Gryffindor." Techno and Wilbur whipped his head towards Schlatt and Tommy stopped in his tracks, ignoring Tubbo pulling on him. "Not surprised that kid is a waste of space and a disgrace to this school anyway. Fucking orphan." That is when Tommy whipped around wiggling out of Tubbo's grasp and was ready to get into round two with Schlatt. That is until Techno beat him to it.

Techno swung his fist it colliding with Schlatt standing beside him. His fist slammed directly into Schlatt's ear and sent him flying over to his side. Techno was unbelievably strong, especially for his look. Techno whipped out his wand and pointed it at the 7th year who was trying to get up. "Stupefy!" Schlatt was instantly slammed unconscious and was laying like a heap on the floor.

"Techno! What the hell!" Wilbur yelled.

"He didn't just insult Tommy. But he insulted Tommy to my face." Techno sneered turning to face Wilbur, sticking his wand back into his belt where Techno kept it.

"I know, I'm pissed too but you cant go around spelling other students!" Techno merely rolled his eyes and shrugged, moving towards and unconscious Schlatt. He picked him up and slung over his shoulder and started towards the hospital wing. Wilbur groaned and then made to follow him. Tommy and Tubbo followed suit.

News spread fast about the 4th year who attacked a 7th year. Only to be saved buy his two 7th year brothers, one of them knocking him out. Madame Pomfrey was not happy about the 5 boys entering the hospital wing one unconscious and another beat up. She told them to go sit in a bed and started treating their wounds starting with Tommy. Tubbo sat beside him in a chair while Madame Pomfrey forced Tommy to drink potions and put different liquids on his cuts. "You will have to wait for the bruises to heal on their own, the cuts will be healed by tomorrow." She sighed and moved to the other side of the room where Schlatt was laying down on a bed, still unconscious.

Techno and Wilbur had left not too long after dropping the boys off to speak with the headmaster and the two boys' heads of houses. Tubbo was sitting beside Tommy but was looking at his hands and playing with his fingers. "Hey Tubbo, what's up?" he asked in a calm voice, his bruised neck made speaking slightly uncomfterable but the medicine Madame Pomfrey gave him kept it from hurting. When Tubbo finally looked up at Tommy and his eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Tommy's face immediately softened "oh Tubbo.." he said barely above a whisper

Tubbo let out a breathy laugh and returned his gaze to his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Tommy."

"Tubbo look at me." After a moment Tubbo looked back at him and now there were tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes and streaking down his cheeks.

Tommy gave a warm smile and opened his arms. "Come here." Was all he said as Tubbo slowly got up, climbed up onto the bed and Tommy wrapped his arms around him. Just like what they would do when someone had a bad dream back at the orphanage. "I'm ok. Truly I am." Tommy started to stroke Tubbo's hair as he buried his face into Tommy's chest.

"No your not. Your hurt. And because of me. You got hurt protecting me." Tubbo said his voice slightly muffled.

"No its not your fault its Schlatt's fault, ok? don't blame yourself big man. Your my best friend, I'm always going to protect you. Comes with the job" He could hear a sniffle from Tubbo and he slowly nodded his head.

Tubbo sat up and Tommy shifted over and slid the blanket from under Tubbo and lifted it up so he could crawl underneath as well, and he sat down agents the pillows next to him. They talked for a while and the tears from earlier were forgotten and replaced by conversations and fits of laughter.

When Wilbur and Techno came to check on their brother(s) they found him asleep with Tubbo's head on his shoulder and Tommy's head on top of Tubbo's. It brought a smile to both their faces and they asked Madame Pomfrey if it was ok if the two boys could spend the night there so they didn't have to wake them up to bring them to their dorm. She eventually agreed after seeing them already asleep and sent the two 7th years off to bed. She smiled sweetly at the two sleeping on each other before retreating to her own quarters.

1541 words - 🤠


it is just a cute brotherly/best friend story ok? no shipping these two on my watch.

(7/11/21) just minor changes to grammar and to make it less OOC :D

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