Tommy and Tubbo get sorted

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(this is a flash back so everyone is about 3 years younger than in the character description)

(7/12/21) Ugh, here we go again 🙄 updating this chapter to make sense with the current world building shit I'm doing. I also hate writing in first person 😐 And this chapter is written shittily anyway. Ok. Take two.

<Tommy POV>
Today was the day.
Today I finally go to Hogwarts.
I have been waiting for this day every since my Friends, Wilbur and Techno, told me about it.
Ever since I got my letter.
Ever since I learned I was going to get to go to Hogwarts.

And to make it even more best friend is coming with me. Tubbo, my fellow muggle born best friend. We were both raised in the same orphanage together. Same with our friends Wilbur and Techno.

Both of my birth parents were actually wizards. But they died when I was barely even one. So I hardly even remember them. Tubbo was given up a few years later because his parents couldn't take care of him. But unlike Tommy, Tubbo's social worker was looking into putting him into a long-term foster house. And since now he will be attending Hogwarts, he would only stay with the family for the summer and possibly holidays if he decided to return.

Currently, my social worker Clementine is driving me, Tubbo, Wilbur and Techno to platform 9 3/4. Techno and Wilbur have visited often, and have been the sole purpose Tommy and Tubbo are not going in blind. They have told stories upon stories about Hogwarts and how things work.

I am exhausted from not getting much sleep last night because of my active excitement.
But even though I was tired from that, the grasping claws of sleep could not drown my excitement.

Wilbur and Techno have already been to Hogwarts twice already and are in their 3rd year currently. They are twins actually, even if they don't look anything alike anymore. They used to look very similar when they were younger but they wanted to be known as their own person and not immediately thought of as one.

Wilbur has curly brown hair that poofs out onto his face shielding one of his eyebrows, large round black rimmed glasses, generally a beanie and some kind of sweater.

Where as Techno, a metamorphmagi, usually has long pink hair that is usually kept in a braid that hangs down to his lower back (Wilbur is generally the one to braid it..but they don't let anybody know that) and he gave up wearing glasses years ago and now just wears contacts. He also has his slightly pointy ears pierced, where he tends to have some kind of gold jewelry placed.

Even though they don't look alike and are not in the same house they are still just as close. The pair was also recently adopted by one of the professors at Hogwarts! I am extremely happy for them, even if I do miss their constant annoyance.

I am just hoping that if Tubbo and I are sorted into different houses that we are able to retain our friendship, because he is practically my brother. It won't make a difference for we are brothers I'm every way but blood, but it would be so much more convenient to just be placed in the same house.

While I was caught up in my own head I didn't realize that we had arrived at the station already until I felt Tubbo's elbow jab my ribcage pulling me from my thoughts. "Tommy, c'mon we are here!" Even though the excitement in Tubbo's voice was prominent him being my best friend I could hear the anxiousness just as well. I gave him a warm smile before climbing out of the car.

Once we got through the barrier to platform 9 3/4, I immediately started looking around taking in different people's appearance. There was a boy with a black hoodie with horns on it and glasses talking to a boy with a blue hoodie and beanie on. There was a tall boy in a green hoodie and a mask obscuring the lower half of his face, speaking to a boy in a blue shirt with white glasses on his head, and a boy with a white shirt with what seemed like a pixelated flame and long black sleeves. There was a boy with opaque orange hair who was speaking to a tall boy with dark glasses on. I also saw a girl with pink hair talking to a bald boy with blue and red glasses. Then my eyes snagged on a rather lanky fellow with split black and white hair (who I later learned has hetochromia, and has one green eye, and one albino red eye.) I then felt a sharp pull on my wrist and started being dragged to the train. "C'mon boss man! We got to get on the train soon!"

Mcyt: HOGWARTS ADDITIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora