Catch me!

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It was a wonderful day out for flying. It was partly cloudy and warm out and there way a nice breeze that intensified when you raced around on your broom. The two 4th years boys after their classes decided to go out and practice some quidditch. Tommy was the seeker for Gryffindor and Tubbo the keeper for Hufflepuff. Since they are in different houses they try to do as many activities outside of class together as possible. One of their favorite activity to do together is flying practice. They have practiced so much together that they have both became excellent fliers and have been excelling at quidditch.

"Tubbo catch!" Tommy yelled before hurling a quafffle at the keeper's goal. Tubbo caught it with ease for tommy was a seeker and not a chaser for a reason. He wasn't very good at throwing the quafffle. But it gave Tubbo extra practice and he has been doing really well even if he is practicing with tommy's cruddy throws.

"You really suck at that." Tubbo yelled back.

"Yea, yea." Tommy yelled in response "just watch me catch the snitch though! I could do it in under a minute." Tommy confidently responded.

"There is no way! I'll time you." Tubbo said with a smirk.

"Fine. I'll go get the snitch." Tommy descended towards the ground before hopping off once he was about two feet in the air and kneeing down next to the box. he opened the lid and un-hooked the little belt that kept the snitch contained. He grabbed it before it could fly away and mounted his broom once again and flew up to where Tubbo was hovering by the goal posts.

"10 seconds to let the snitch get away, then you go." Tubbo told tommy once he was within earshot. Tubbo muttered something under his breath and a timer emerged from his wand. "Ready?" Tommy nodded in response. "Ok let it go!" Tommy released his grasp on the golden snitch and the light fluttery wings started beating rapidly before soaring away towards the ground. "3, 2, 1, GO!" Tubbo yelled and Tommy gave a quick salute before pulling the nose of his broom up and over his head doing a partial backflip and starting his bullet like decent towards the ground.

Once tommy neared the ground he pulled the nose of his broom up and continued his path along the ground following in the snitches' tracks in pursuit. He soared along he ground all around the arena before finally catching up to the snitch. He reached out his hand and as soon as his fingers curled around the snitch he lost his balance and toppled over onto the grass. He was lying on his back and he held his fist up that has the snitch concealed in between his fingers in triumph. He let a breathy laugh out and stood up.

Tubbo's mouth was slightly agape for he had caught the snitch in exactly 54 seconds; which was in fact, under a minute. He let a smile creep onto his face before starting to had back down to tommy.

He saw Tubbo starting to slowly descend towards the ground so Tommy walked over to the case where the snitch was kept and buckled it in place. It wasn't far from where he landed but when he turned around Tubbo was almost down to the ground. Tommy picked up his bottle of water that he had set next to the case and started to move towards the middle of the pitch to meet Tubbo when he got down.

Once Tubbo was a few feet above tommy's head, Tommy moved to take a drink of water, still keeping his eyes on Tubbo who was still a few feet in the air but a few feet in front of tommy so he wasn't directly above him, but stopped when he heard Tubbo yell "Catch me!"

"wha-" Tubbo then leapt off his broom towards Tommy. Tommy opened his arms in an attempt to catch him and he did manage to wrap his arms around his shorter best friend, but the momentum sent them toppling to the ground. Tommy hit the ground with an 'oof' and Tubbo started laughing. Tommy's water bottle from earlier was open so now they were also drenched from it spilling all over them. It didn't take too long for Tommy to catch Tubbo's contagious laugh with Tubbo still laying on top of him, to collapse in a fit of giggles and laughter.

Even though hitting the ground did hurt a little bit he didn't even care. He would rather himself be hurt and Tubbo be safe and unharmed than the other way around. I guess that's just the love of friendship.. and Tommy wouldn't trade if for the world.

800 words - 🤠


A/N    Hi! Sooo this is based off of the 'catch me clip' between Tubbo and Tommy I just wanted to base a chapter off it and make it a Quidditch version. I tried to find it to ender it at the top but couldn't find it sorry :(

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