Chapter 3: Earrings and Mac and Cheese

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Chapter 3: Earrings and Mac and Cheese


I was sitting on the couch, messing around on my computer when someone called me on Skype.

Lonny Eagleton. 

I pressed accept and his face showed up on the screen.

"Hey!" I said, waving. He greeted me back and we started talking.

"Mommy!" Hannah called, 30 minutes later, coming down the stairs.

"Yes?" I asked, looking over the couch at her.

"I wanna get my ears pierced. I wanna go talk to Santa too." I sighed.

"I can't take you today, I have work." She looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes, tears starting to form.

"Pleaseeeeee." She begged. Oh God.

"I'm sorry Hannah. I'm busy and so is Aunt Kiana." She started to cry. "I'm sorry Hannah, don't cry, there's nothing I can do about it." I said, pushing the computer off to the side and pulling her up onto my lap, stroking her hair.

"It's not fair." She cried. "I never get to do anything! ALL my friends have their ears pierced!"

"You get to do a bunch of things Hannah!" I tried to console her.

"No I don't because everything costs money! I miss daddy." I felt like my heart had been hit with a huge boulder. I bit my lip, glanced over at Lonny, and pulled her closer to my body.

"I know Hannah, I do too." I sighed.

"Kayla" Lonny spoke up and I looked at him, holding back a bunch of tears. "I could take Hannah if you want, I mean, I'm not doing anything today." I smiled at him and then pulled Hannah's head away from my body so she would look at me.

"Hannah, would you mind if Lonny took you?" She started clapping and a smile spread across her face. "I'll take that as a yes, go get ready." She jumped off my lap and sprinted up the stairs.

"Thank you so much Lonny." I said to him with a smile.

"No problem, I love Hannah!" My heart sang when he said that.

"Wow, that's awesome." I said. We talked until Hannah came down the stairs.

"I'm ready mommy."

"Okay!" I said and turned my focus back to Lonny. 

"Can I drop her off on my way to work in about 20 minutes?" He nodded and we said our goodbyes before I went upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed in black, ripped skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides top. I flat ironed my hair and added some eyeliner.

"Hannah! You ready to go?" I asked as I came down the stairs.

"Yeah!" She called as she turned off the TV.

"C'mon." I said, opening the door for her. She skipped out and climbed into the car. I started it up and drove the short drive to Lonny's house. I knocked on the door as she came up behind me. Lonny opened the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey!" He said as he pulled me in for a hug. He then crouched down and hugged Hannah, greeting her as well. "So where you gotta work today?" He asked as Hannah walked into his house.

"Only Hot Topic and Walmart, thank God." I chuckled, putting my hand over my heart. He chuckled as well and nodded. "Well I gotta go, umm, I'll pick her up at around seven?" 

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