Chapter 4: Movie

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Chapter 4: Movie


"Hey Kayla, I was just wondering if you're busy later tonight?" Lonny asked, calling me a week later.

"No, why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to a movie with me?"

"Sure thing! Kiana doesn't work tonight so she can watch Hannah."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 6:00?" He asked and I agreed. I hung up and sighed happily.

"Are you okay mommy?" Hannah asked, coming down the stairs.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine." I said with a huge smile.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I'm just hanging out with Lonny." I shrugged.

"Ooooooh, do you like him?" She asked with a smirk and I smiled.

"If I tell you, promise you won't tell?"

"Pinkie promise!" She cheered, thrusting out her pinky. I chuckled and wrapped mine around hers.

"Yes I do Hannah, very much so."

"Is he going to be my new daddy?" My eyes widened.

"I-I don't know Hannah. You're going to spend the night at Aunt Kiana's though so go pack." She nodded and ran up the stairs. I sighed, ran my fingers through my hair and called up my sister. I told her what was going on and she agreed to watch Hannah. I smiled and decided to take a shower. 

After I got out of my shower, I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a grey, off the shoulder top. I curled my hair and lined my eyes with eyeliner. I slipped on black ballet flats and admired myself in the mirror. I heard the doorbell ring and I jumped. I slipped money and my phone into my back pocket and ran down the stairs. I opened it to see Lonny standing there. I smiled at him and waved.

"Hey Lonny, I'll be just a second, I have to drop Hannah off at my sister's, I'll meet you in the car." He nodded as I called Hannah down. I carried her over to Kiana's and knocked on the door.

"Oooh Kayla, don't you look pretty." Kiana complimented as she took Hannah from my arms.

"Thanks." I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"So, you going to get some?" Kiana winked as Hannah ran upstairs to go put her backpack away.

"Shut up, we're just friends." I said, playfully slapping her arm.

"Mhmm." She said, looking me up and down.

"Anyway, I'll be back at around.... 8 or 9." I said.

"Sure, bye lil sis, have fun!" She called. I turned around to see Lonny's car parked outside of Kiana's house.

"Bye Kiana." I called as I ran down the driveway and hopped into Lonny's car. "Sorry about that." I said as I hugged him.

"No problem, we got time to waste anyway." He said driving down the street. We talked and listened to some music before we got to the theatre. We walked in and he went to go buy our tickets. "Two for Warm Bodies." We got the tickets and walked over to the concessions. I offered to pay but he rejected my money and bought me what I wanted. We walked into the movie and found our seats. The movie started and I fairly enjoyed it, except for the bonies, those things creeped me out.

Every time they would appear on the screen, I'd grip onto Lonny and hide my face in his arm, which made him chuckle a little. At one point, we both looked at each other, and the next moment, our faces collided. I tangled my hands in his hair as our lips moved in sync. We broke and I smiled at him. For the rest of the movie, I was cuddled into him with his arm wrapped around me.

When the movie let out, he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to his car, talking about how awesome it was. We reached my house and he walked me up to my door.

"Kayla." He said and I turned to look at him. He looked deep into my eyes and crashed his lips with mine for the second time that night. We broke and he smiled down at me. "Kayla, will you by my girlfriend?" He asked and I smiled back at him.

"Of course Lonny." He smiled and kissed me again. He picked me up, causing me to squeal and wrap my legs around his waist to brace myself.

"I'll let you get your daughter and get some sleep, goodnight."

"Night." I said as I walked over to Kiana's house. I knocked on the door and she answered it with a smirk.

"Just friends, mhmm."

"It was just a kiss... okay maybe three." I giggled and her smirk got bigger.

"Sooo?" She probed.

"We're going out." I said and she squealed, hugging me tightly.

"Ahhh! Kayla! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Kiana, can I have my daughter? I am exhausted." I said with a chuckle.

"Oh right, sure." She said, jogging up the stairs. Hannah was placed in my arms and I walked home. I placed Hannah in her bed and fell right to sleep.


Aww they're finnaly together 

Bonies  ^^^^^

Warm Bodies trailer ^^^^^^

MikkiMarvel gave me the movie idea

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