Message 1

12 0 0

Bold - Unknown Number

Italic - Mia

Text From Unknown Number

I really fucked up.

I have no idea what to do!

What if I killed him? I'll be taken to jail! Fuck, I don't want to go to jail! Not because of that little piece of shit.

Dax? Are you ignoring me?

Is it because of what I did to that dick?

If it is you are a very bad friend.

Oh God, don't tell me you are calling the police!

You know, right now I'm having deep thoughts of who to call, the police, the ambulance or someone who'll agree to kill a weirdo who might have killed someone and decided to call me at 1 am and share his feelings.

You are not Dax, are you?

No shit Sherlock.

Then who are you? And why do you have his phone?

Wait, I got it! You are his one night stand, aren't you?

Listen here, criminal, this is my phone, I have it for 5 years, I do not know who Dax is, and I'm very tempted to cut your balls of and shove them in your mouth so you'll choke to death, for waking me up at 1 am!

You have a very vivid imagination, and due to what you wrote you are a girl.

Also if you are at least a little bit as hot as me I don't mind having a hook up with you, but I would prefer something less exotic.

What do you mean?

Oh god you are crazy! Did you escape from a madhouse!

You like roll plays?

You can be the sexy nurse. The one wearing a very short doctor's smock.

And black see through underwear, and it has to be thongs.

And fishnet tights to finish the picture.

What is wrong with you? Are you a fan of +18? No one can wear something like that!

You are right!

How could I be so stupid? No fishnet tights. It's not that important but will take time when undressing you.

You need to see a psychologist!

I had a psychologist. And I had sessions with him for a week. Then he quit the job.

I still visit him at the madhouse though.

You left?

No goodbye?

Okay meany.

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