Message 7

9 0 0

Bold - Criminal(unknown number)

Bold + Italic + Underline - Amy

Bold + Italics - Nice ass

Normal - narrator/other

* Text From Unknown Number *


Hello, who is this?

Are you the guy my friend talks to?


Why are you calling me?

I'm free tonight, just so you know.

I just want to know that trash gets picked up tomorrow,

be ready.


What's wrong with you?

I know that you behaved like a bitch.

I don't like when my friends get upset.

Are you an idiot. Because you sound like one.

Of course I talk like an idiot.

How else could you understand me?

You think you are good at comebacks?

Well, you are not.

Did it hurt when you fell out of...

What a quick change of mood. I like this flirty you better.

someone's ass into the toilet, you little piece of shit.

Why are even being nice to her, she did awful things.

And I know we want each other, so don't ruin it.

Um, I think you have the wrong floor, because you're not on my level.

Yes, I'm higher.

You are my favourite person... besides every other person I ever met.

I hate dicks like you.

Oh you hate me?

Join the club!

There are meetings at the corner of

Fuck You St.


Kiss My Ass Blvd.

Then this unknown guy blocked her number. Amy was shocked. But she knew what she should do.

* Calling Nice Ass *

Hi. I have something to tell you about your girlfriend.

What Mia done this time?

She found herself a defender.

What do you mean?

I wasn't very nice to her, and this guy who she's been messaging for quite a while now stood up for her, telling how low he thinks of me.

Thanks for information, but I don't think it's possible to think low of you.

You can't be any lower.

* Nice Ass ended the call *

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