Message 8

9 0 0

Bold - Criminal

Italic - Not-Dax (Mia)

Normal - Narrator/others

• Text from Not-Dax •

Hello :(

What's that sad smily face about, I didn't block your number.

Ha, ha, ha, very funny


But really what's up.

My love life is so dull.

How could you say that. You have me, it can't be dull.

It's not what I mean. It's just I have no personal life at all.

You have a boyfriend.

But he is so far away.

And you are far away.

My life sucks.

Are you drunk?

Maybe a little.

Just tell me what caused your depression.

You call this depression? Last year I had a depression, this is just not a very good day.

Tell me already!

Today my parents were replacing their coffee machine, which is 7 years old.

I said that it's not that old and that I have sheets older than that.

And mom said: Well perhaps your sheets ain't getting as much actions as our coffee machine.


You are laughing aren't you.


Kill me please.

Lilly won't appreciate it.


You have a girlfriend.

You didn't say you had a girlfriend.

I hate you now.

You said that she ditched you.

Are you jealous? 

I'm not talking to you.

To be fair we never talked, we just texted. 

And if it'll help you Lilly is not my girlfriend.

Then who is she?

My car.

Why would your car not like you killing me.

'Cause dad will take it from me as a punishment.



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