Message 5

10 0 0

Bold - "Criminal" (unknown boy)

Italics - "Not Dax" (Mia)

Normal - other, narrator

Text from Criminal


Stands for "before anyone else"

Nah, bad nickname, means "shit" in Danish




Little piece of shit




I have a lesson idiot

Stop sending me possible nicknames

"Little piece of shit", are you serious?

Why not, you call me criminal, don't you?

Because you are one!

Well, it's not like I robed a bank.

Actually forget it. I don't like lying.

You robed a bank!?

Sort of.

Its wasn't intentional if that makes you feel better.

It doesn't!

God, I'm talking to a person who ACCIDENTALLY robbed a bank.

I was drunk and depressed, it was supposed to be a prank.

Not my fault the bank workers took it too seriously.

How depressed were you to rob a bank?

Oh, I've been worth.

What happened?

My best friend shot himself.

Are you serious?


That has nothing to do with you.

Come on, tell me.



Are you ignoring me?

Is this silent treatment?

Are you mad because I asked why your friend killed himself?

I shouldn't have said that. 

Would you forgive me?

You know my boyfriend knew a guy who killed himself.

It's not about my friend.

Then why are you reacting like that.

My mother hanged herself when I was 5.

Oh God.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

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