She Couldn't Remember

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Kinaru: Hey everyone, back again.

Just wanted to put this up, in case some people forgot some of my talking types.



'Speaking in Animal'

Demon/Biju/Tailed Beast voice talking” (Human can understand this one)

Hope that helps, please enjoy!

Chapter 3

“Ibiki-sama, can we have curry for dinner?”

The man chuckled, looking down at his kitsune. “Sure.”

She grinned up at him, adjusting the four bags of food she was carrying, and one bag of clothes. Ibiki had tried to give her the lightest, taking the heaviest for himself, but it appeared he still might have given her too much.

“You've been neglecting your training?”

Yuna looked up at her guardian, in slight confusion. She couldn't remember doing such a thing, but then there was very little she did remember of what had happened over the years. She frowned, thinking of what she used to practice as a child.

How much had she excelled? How many new techniques had she learned? Obviously her strength had dropped. Though she was sure her stamina had grown. Perhaps that was what she relied on more? Stamina over strength.

“Mah, Kyuubi could have been too busy for weight training.” She grumbled as they left the last store in the market district, turning to head home.

Ibiki rolled his eyes. “I bet you were, running around with all those S-rank criminals.”

The kitsune's eyes went wide as she stared at the interrogator. “Wh-what did you... Just say?” The look of shock was clear on her face.

Before he could make up for his slip of the tongue, the duo were interrupted. A strange, yet familiar, noise reached Yuna's ears. One she knew she wasn't supposed to understand. She turned abruptly toward the direction of who had called her name in the strange tongue.

Her eyes went wide as she suddenly found herself underneath a large mass of white fur.

'Yuna-chan!!!' The beast barked, covering her cheek in a slobbery kiss, as she tried to push it off.

“Get off me! Ibiki-sama!”

The ginormous dog whimpered at the kyuubi's cry, tears forming in her crimson red eyes. 'Yuna?' He nuzzled her cheek in a comforting manner, hoping to get her to smile like she used to when he did this.

“Akamaru! Where the hell did you run off to?” The demon looked past the large dog, to see a brunette approaching. She couldn't place his face but he looked very familiar. His eyes went wide as they spotted her.


The crimson beauty looked so helpless, not knowing what was going on, or who these people were. Ibiki almost felt sorry for her, almost. Though it was more amusing just to watch her try to understand what was going on.

'You smell different..' The dog, she assumed to be Akamaru, barked, sniffing down Yuna's shirt to her stomach.

The brown haired boy furrowed his brow, smelling the air. “You're right, Akamaru. She does smell different.” He reached out a hand, to help the kitsune up, after moving his dog off her. He offered her a gentle smile. “You've changed, Yuna.”

“Wh-who are you?” She whimpered, not taking his hand, as she looked up at him in fear. The large dog whined, leaning against her, as she was slightly sitting up.

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