" h o n ! "

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It is now morning, a new day to explore and wander around just to reach their destination. Tommy kept on saying stories about his life in the dream smp to his adopted child and in return, Phoenix says his, only what he can remember though. They comforted each other. Hell, even the 16 year old kid cried about telling him his story and Phoenix was there just hugging him. But something was in the 3 year old's mind that's really bothering him. Phoenix remembers and knows he's a phoenix hybrid and was hesitant to tell it to Tommy.

Well Tommy was oblivious about this, but it's not his fault that Phoenix was good at hiding his sprouted small wings and acted like he's a complete kid who has abnormalities.

Though, why did he remember he's a phoenix but can't remember who he was?

Simple. It's stuck in his brain. There are people who tried to adopt him but changed their mind in an instant when they knew he's a hybrid so they neglected him. Abandon him. Insult him in any way possible. And have the trauma out of it.

Yes, they insult him even though he can't fully understand since he was still a goddamn child. But it's stuck in his head.

After a couple of days, Tommy realized that something was off about the kid. He's been... Quiet? Distracted? Something like that.

So he talks to Phoenix. Take it or leave it I guess.

"Hey... Phoenix?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah..?" Phoenix stops at mid-track from walking.

"Are you alright? You seem down lately"

"umm yea.. I'm fine.."

"You know you can always talk to me about it if you're ready right..?"


Phoenix says that line joyously but Tommy can obviously see he's lying, but brushed it off anyways.

It's already evening and they're in their temporary shack as they move each time they go.

Phoenix wanted to tell his papa for being a freak- I mean hybrid but his worries are taking over. He trusted him very much even though they just met a couple days ago, and something was telling him that he can trust Tommy fully so he took that thought and decided to tell him. Fucking finally.

"hey..papa?" Phoenix asked.

"Yes?" Tommy replied.

"c-can I tell you about something?" Phoenix asked hesitantly.

"of course bud, what is it?"

"i-.. Promise you won't leave me?" Phoenix asked with teary eyes.

This starts to let Tommy worry more.

"I promise. Besides, I love you like you're my real kid or some shit even though I hate to admit it" Tommy snickered at the last bit he said.

This makes Phoenix relaxed a bit.

"I'm an infernal blizzard Phoenix.."


'please say something' Phoenix had now clutch up ever since he admitted what he was.

Then.. Tommy laughed like it was a joke.

"Really? You're nervous of telling me because of that? Nix, I'm also a hybrid and everyone loves me! Okay that was before but it is also a dumb thing to neglect you if you're a hybrid. I mean, it's bloody brilliant to be hybrids! Well, not most of them but you get the idea. And, Phoenix are also rare especially when you're a fucking blizzard!" Tommy laughed.

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