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It's been years after the roller-coaster emotion ride where Tommy confessed everything to the others whole-heartedly.

After the day where Dream— no, Clay supposed to be beheaded, some of them are confused, some of them are in pain and some are are filled with guilt.

Most of them are asking Techno who they are or were. They are also asking why Techno looked so scared, even Philza was surprised as well.

Technoblade mentioned everything about the business bay, those wings, about Phoenix and SMPearth.

He explained everything. SMPearth being the current powerful server than the DreamSMP, business bay as the 'real life mafia' in minecraft. And just everything.

But... How did he recognize Phoenix?

He remembered once when he encountered Phoenix in the forest. Technoblade remembered when he tried to kill the kid as the voices urged him to do so. Besides, Winter was an orphan, right?

He eventually failed because the baby or the kid is somehow protected by the gods based on what he read back then. So, he ran away since something might happen to him because he messed with the alpha. It awaits for karma. And it did happen.

What is an alpha?

Alphas are known as the people whom the gods are protecting with their lives. Alphas tend to be a dominant person and should not be messed with.

Another one of Blade's books.

Techno explained those wings from Tommy since he found an ancient book that came from a temple in the desert biome.

Those wings are from the avian dragons, the most mythical and legendary species ever created.

He also recognized Phoenix's eyes. Those cold yet, warm eyes are from the infernal blizzard Phoenix itself. When he has seen Phoenix's eyes, those are rare and royal eyes that he met in his entire life. And that he knew not to mess with the kid.

Where did he learn those?

It just so happened that Ghostbur, the past dead Wilbur, gave him the book all about species. Ghostbur says that

'it's important in the future and that he needs to keep it'

out of the blue. Now he knows why. He will forever— okay maybe not forever but thank Wilbur about it. Wilbur was hecking confused.

Every royal species has a possession whenever they will go for a mission or an adventure. Tommy has his disks, Mellohi and Cat. Phoenix Winter didn't have a possession until he turned 6 years old but Tommy gave him one, which is 2 dusty yet ancient books and it's quite legal to count it as a possession since Tommy is also a royal species.

Now everyone understands why Tommy's disks are more important than anyone close to him.

Why did Techno look so scared?

I mean— of course he's gonna be scared.

Techno once fought the business bay, without their leader and Deo and Techno lost. He became their servant and an entertainment just because it is the replacement of dying for punishment. When they had to move, the business bay leader ordered the rest of the members to spare Techno just for now.

Years passed by and it's now in the present where everyone is slowly but surely getting along.

Though, some of the DreamSMP members are still skeptical but soon enough, waved it off. SMPearth and DreamSMP just formed an alliance earlier than last month, 17th of May, 2028.

Tommy also talked with the SBI plus Tubbo and Ranboo about some things in the past. The SBI, Tubbo and Ranboo apologized for their mistakes greatly and promised that they would be better than before. But Tommy cleared the fact that Quackity, Karl and Sapnap are his official parents and they're never gonna change that. The SBI and Tubbo are still hurting about what he said but are happy for Tommy.

Tommy accepted Jack and Niki's apologies and hugged them with saying

"I've missed you both!"

It was really an amazing day.

The quadro and Lani apologize for betraying and/or lying to everyone even though the rest of the DreamSMP deserved it especially for Purpled but the rest just laughed it off like it was just an ordinary joke.

After hearing the news about Tommy being married platonically when he was 12 years old and had adopted a child when he was 16 years old, everyone minus the business bay became overprotective yet supportive. Wilbur and Techno tried to kill Deo after the shock but were stopped by their dad, Philza. Tubbo kept his eye on Deo secretly. And if looks can kill? Deo is already dead because of Tubbo's stare. Ranboo talked to  Deo like a grown adult to not hurt Tommy or else...

While Purpled? Purpled just protects Deo from all of them.

Stan the minors please.

Fundy congratulated his favorite uncle about hearing the news just like others. Though, Fundy asked for help to Tommy about his father, Wilbur to get along and act like a normal and happy family. Tommy happily granted his wish and now, the father and son are as close as ever.

Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity were married on 24th of December, 2028 in a winter biome in the forest while raining with snow. It's a marvelous sight to see. Clay and George as the best men since they decided to have two best men— is that even possible? I don't know.

Michael, Phoenix Winter and Clementine Asterope, Tommy and Deo's new adopted daughter are the flower boys and the flower girl. Wilbur as the priest— and everyone is there at the wedding, including SMPearth and DreamSMP. Tommy burst into tears in this one.

After the wedding, The trio legally adopted Tommy leading Tommy to have 2 families now! Or 3 families if Puffy and Sam are included.

Everything is finally going well and more exciting adventures to come with the 2nd generation.

"Sabía que este día finalmente llegaría, finalmente puedo descansar siendo un vidente y estar con mi amada esposa."

Said Mexican Dream holding his Wife, Maria tightly.

Status: completed

I'm done. || mcyt tommyinnit business bay au || platonic deoinnit! ||Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα