Zombie Girl (Kevin Ghost)

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Lily’s POV

I climbed out of the pit and made my way to the front of the stage. I mainly came to see Ghostown tonight but Issues was playing too so it is a plus. I grabbed the barricade and held onto it. There was no way in hell was I missing my favorite band of all time. They’re opening music began to play. I saw Kevin getting pumped up on side stage and smiled. He looked over my way and waved. I pointed at myself and he nodded. I waved back. They started with Trick or Treat and I sang along to every word. Kevin smiled at me every time he walked near me, which caused me to blush. They went through their set playing I’m Weird, Tentacles, Monster, That’s Unusual, Under Wraps, Carnival and You’re so Creepy. When they played Carnival, I got upset thinking about my last relationship. I walked over to a table and started crying. My ex boyfriend put me through so much. I did everything I possibly could to keep him happy. Hell I even changed the way I looked and acted for him. I began crying and I felt someone rub my back. “Why you crying, baby love?” a southern voice asked. I looked up to see Tyler Carter. “Old memories that bring back a lot of pain.” I said. “Well that is not alright. Why don’t you come back stage and have some fun?” he asked. I nodded and he helped me up. We headed backstage and I saw Kevin. “Hey, you’re that pretty girl I saw in the front row.” He said causing me to blush. I saw Tyler laugh and I nudged him. “Would you like to come watch a movie on the bus with me?” he asked. I nodded. I couldn’t believe this was happening right now. I took a seat on the couch and he looked around the movies. “What kind of movie do you want to watch?” He asked. “I don’t mind what movie we watch.” I said. He came and sat next to me on the couch. “You are really pretty.” He said. I blushed and looked down. He lifted my chin up and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. I was shocked. He pulled away. “I am so sorry.” He said. “No, I am sorry. I was shocked. I never expected you to notice me let alone bring me back here to your bus and call me pretty.” I said. “Are you sure?” he asked. I nodded. “No one has called me pretty since my boyfriend dumped me awhile ago. It was a really messy break up and yeah.” I said. “Well I’m sorry for that.” He said. “Don’t worry about it.” I said. He rubbed the back of his neck. Fuck it, it’s now or never. I looked at him and kissed him. He was shocked but kissed back. I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me. “Would you like to come on tour with us?” he asked. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. “I’m Lily by the way.” I said. “Nice to meet you. Would you like to get some coffee?” He asked. I nodded. We climbed off the bus and headed to a Starbucks down the street. We spent the time laughing and exchanging stories about each other. “I know we haven’t really known each other long.” He said. “Well yeah.” I said. He smiled. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. I smiled and kissed him. I felt him smile underneath my lips.

*Years Later*

“Kevin, we have looked everywhere. I am pretty sure the kids have won hide and seek.” I said. “Where could they have hidden on this bus?” he asked. “Holly! Wes!” I screamed. I heard giggling coming from outside the bus. We walked outside and found them sitting on the top of the bus with Evan. “You helped them. That isn’t fair.” I yelled up. “It was more fun.” Evan said. Holly climbed off and jumped into Kevin’s arms. Wes climbed down and waddled over to me. He held onto my leg. “Do you not like heights little man?” I asked. He nodded and held me tighter. I chuckled and picked him up. “Are you guys ready to go watch daddy perform?” I asked. They nodded their heads. We headed over to the Kia Soul stage and I gave Kevin a good luck kiss. “I love you.” I said. “I love you too, Mrs. McCullough.” He said. I smiled and watched him go out to perform. “This song is for my lovely wife Lily.” Kevin said. I blushed and they began playing Zombie Girl. I smiled and blew him a kiss. I am so happy Tyler asked me come backstage all those years ago.

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