City Lights (Chris Motionless)

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Raven’s POV

 I climbed out of bed as my insomnia kicked up once again. I saw all the pictures of me and my ex placed around my apartment. He left me because I was too gothic for him. I began crying once again and sunk to the floor. I really need to get out of this apartment. Permanently. I started scrolling through apartment ads and I could not find anything. I screamed and threw a glass vase across the room. I saw the shattered glass and the way the light danced off it, it seemed like it was calling to me. I got up and walked over to it. I sat down next to it and looked at my thighs that were littered with scars. I rolled up my sleeves and saw all the other scars on my arms. I sighed and added a few more here and there. I got up to see that it was around the time my favorite coffee shop would be open. I climbed into the shower and washed the cuts thoroughly. I finished my shower and dried my wet white hair. I returned to its natural curliness. I threw it up in a messy bun and got dressed. I pulled on my black leather leggings with a black long sleeve shirt with a hood. I pulled on my calf high boots and my leather jacket. I walked to my local coffee shop. It just opened and its four a.m., I am so glad that it open so early for my long nights. I crossed the street and entered the warm café. I took in the smell of rich coffee beans and walked right up the counter. “Hey Raven, the usual.” The barista said. I nodded and went to take a seat. I pulled my sketchpad out of my backpack. I started sketching and Sam brought over my daily order. “Thanks.” I said smiling up at him. I ate my toasted blueberry muffin and drank my pumpkin spice coffee. I ended up drawing scenes from Nightmare Before Christmas and Halloween in script lettering surrounded by cobwebs with a Black Widow. I absent mindedly hummed along to City Lights by Motionless in White. I sang along softly as I felt a pang in my heart of the reminder of my boyfriend leaving me. I looked out the window crying while slipping on my sunglasses. “Now why is a pretty girl like you crying?” A male voice asked. I looked up to see Chris Motionless. I was shocked. “Wow, those drawings are pretty cool.” He said. “I actually wanted to get some of these tattooed on my body.” I said. “Can I sit down?” he asked. “I don’t mind. I am just about to leave anyway.” I said softly. “Please don’t leave.” He said touching my hand. “I heard you singing and I just wanted to meet you.” He said. I smiled slightly. “I’m Raven Madison. Nice to meet you but I really should get going.” I said. He touched my hand again. “What is hurting you so much?” he asked. I choked on my coffee. “Nothing, why would you ask that?” I lied. “You don’t have to tell me. I can just see it in your body language plus I saw it in your eyes when I walked in.” he said. “Um, could we go somewhere else please?” I asked. “Sure, how is my place?” he asked. I nodded. He led me to his car and drove towards his house, which wasn’t that far from my apartment. He led me inside and I took a seat on his couch. He headed into the kitchen real quick and a cat jumped up onto my lap. It frightened me a bit because I was not expecting it. “Oh, that is Abigail, me and the guys found her outside our bus meowing and I decided to keep her.” He said. I smiled and pet the cute young kitty. She purred and curled up on my lap. Chris handed me a glass of water. “You’re eyes are the most beautiful brown eyes.” He said. I blushed and then realized I haven’t blushed since before he left me. I soon started sobbing. Abigail hopped off my lap and Chris wrapped me up in his arms. He whispered soothing words in my ear and rubbed my back. “Who could’ve caused such a beautiful girl like you so much pain?” he asked. “Life, I have never had it easy. I just want it all to end.” I screamed. He held me as I sobbed more. He moved my sleeve carefully and saw the scars. He wiped away my tears. “Please explain to me.” He said softly. “When I was young I spent more time with my grandparents. They loved rock and metal music so I grew to love it as well. My first concert was Def Leppard. It was the greatest time of my life. I then started growing up and expanding my music taste. I changed as a person. I was bullied at school, which turned into depression at a young age for me. I started cutting around the age of thirteen with my first suicide attempt at fourteen. My parents were appalled by me and screamed at me. That is when I learned I was a mistake. I turned sixteen and found a boy who mended me and fixed me trying to make me whole again. I still cut. I was still depressed. I moved in with him and his family because my parents would treat me so poorly. We were together for years and then he went off to fight in the war when he turned eighteen because he wanted to help make a difference in the world when I told him he already did because he saved me. We had so many plans to get married but then he was tragically killed. I grew depressed again. I literally wouldn’t even care anymore and turned into a alcoholic. I went through countless awful verbal and physically abusive relationships until I met a guy when I turned twenty-five I believe. He sobered me up and took care of me. Everything was going great for the past three years but then he dumped me because I am too gothic for him. That he suddenly decided my depression was too much for him and I have too much baggage. All I want is too be loved but no one wants the ugly, depressed, heartbroken mess of a woman you see in front of you.” I sobbed. He held me in his arms. “All I wanted to do with my life after what happened with my childhood until I formed the band was to reach out to someone and to say something to them that could change their life forever, to let them know their not alone, you’re not alone. I admire the strength you have with getting up every day to face the world. I have felt like you once. I have been where you been. Those relationships I have been through and I constantly tell myself now I am human and I need to be loved just like everybody else.” He said. In that moment of sincerity and weakness, I looked up at him and kissed him. I was shocked to find him kissing back. “Please, Raven, let me be there for you because honestly we understand each other and you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on scars and all.” He said. I blushed and nodded. “I just have one little problem.” I said. “What is that?” he asked. “I need a new apartment.” I said. “I can see what Ryan Ashley is doing with her apartment since she is moving in with Balz so just stay in my guest room until I find out.” He said. I nodded. He could clearly tell I just need to be consoled for a while longer so he wrapped his arms around my body and sang City Lights to me. He kissed my head when he finished. We just sat there silence as he held me. Weeks pasted and I really didn't leave Chris's side which he was fine with and within those weeks, I listened to all the band's music and realized how torturous Chris's relationships were and how he felt about some things including himself. I met the band and their girlfriends and some of Chris's friends. I have been getting better. We flushed all my blades together the first night I was with him. I told him of my insomnia and he offered to stay up with me. We watched movies on the couch and I actually fell asleep. I was shocked by it. Chris tucked me into bed after I fell asleep and as he was leaving my room, I supposedly begged him to stay. He told me though I slept through night. It made me happy to know I did. "Hey Chris, you can say no but I was wondering if I could just stay here with you instead of moving out?" I said. He smiled. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He said walking over to me and hugging me. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded. We hadn't really defined our relationship due to our issues but I am just as happy the way we are now which I hope stays the same as years go on. I kissed him back and he held me close. "I promise to never ever leave you." He said to me. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. "I will hold you to that promise." I said. We both headed to bed but in our own rooms. Abigail was patiently waiting for me. I smiled and kissed her head. I crawled in and she curled up on my side. I started tossing and turning but poor Abigail stayed with me. I looked at the clock and it read 3 a.m. I began to cry. I wiped away my tears and told myself to be strong. I could go crawl in with Chris but I would wake him. I sighed and made my way to his room. I heard pained moans. I walked in and saw his face upset. "No, Raven, please don't leave me. I need you." He cried out. He was having a nightmare. I crawled up onto his bed. "Christopher." I said shaking him. He woke up with tears streaming down his face. I wiped them away and held him tightly as he calmed down. I looked at him. "Chris, I will never ever walk out on you. And you want to know why?" I said. He nodded. "Because I've fallen head over heels in love with you." I said kissing him softly. He kissed back and held me in his arms. "I'm in love with you too." He said. He laid us down and I cuddled my face into his chest. "I'm right here you can sleep." I said. What turned into me needing him had turned into us needing each other and that I am perfectly okay with. I kissed his chest and he kissed my head. We then both fell asleep while Abigail curled up by my head.

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