America (Chris Motionless)

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Angel's POV

I looked over at Chris and sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, I'm just gonna go get in my costume and makeup." I said. He kissed me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. Chris wanted me in the America music video as one of the dancers and I thought I would be the one dancing on him but I was wrong. He wanted some slut dancing on him and not his girlfriend. He barely has noticed me lately. I looked at my ribs poking through my skin. Ash came in and I smiled at her weakly. She has been spending loads of time with Chris since the Angel Eyes video and she knew I was extremely upset about it. He missed our three-year anniversary to film that video and she never once apologized for it. I got ready and Josh came in. "You okay little Ghost?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay, we all have noticed Chris being a dick now we are all here for you including Devin. We care about you Angel. We are all your brothers. Not biologically like Devin but whether you realize or not you are our little sister and we will do anything to protect you." He said. I smiled and hugged him. He fixed my makeup and headed out to get himself ready. I looked at the tray of colored dust that was supposed to be drugs. Once Ash left the room I removed one of lines and put a line of coke on it. Chris doesn't know that I've relapsed but what will care. The director came in and decided to film my scenes first. "Devin, I think she is really crying." Josh said. I really was because I hate how Chris has been treating me lately. He has been coming home late. We don't do things as a couple anymore. He hasn't even noticed that his girlfriend gets high on coke every single day. He is probably cheating on me with Ash. We finished my scenes in the makeup room. I felt arms wrap around me and kiss my head. I looked and saw it was Devin. "Hey, I want you to come back to my place with Kylie and I tonight." He said. I nodded and hugged him. "Could I actually stay with you guys for a while?" I asked. "Of course, Angel." He said. I smiled and we headed out to film the rest of the video. I watched as the slut danced around Chris and he seemed to be enjoying it. I began crying more and Devin saw. He gave me a sympathetic smile. Chris and I will never be the same again. We have both changed. We did the rest of my scenes and I snorted the line of coke. I was buzzed and I glared at Chris. "I fucking hate you. You're an asshole. You ask your girlfriend of three and a half years to be in a music video with you but you have some slut dance around you ad look like you are enjoying it. You don't want to dance with me. Am I not sexy enough for you? Am I not beautiful to you anymore? Do I even mean anything to you? You haven't shown me love in months. Hell you skipped our three-year anniversary to film a music video with Ashley. I never got an apology from either one of you. I had amazing news to tell you that night but you never came home. You were gone for a week. I was pregnant Chris. I had a miscarriage. I only told Devin and Kylie because I knew they would actually care. I am done with you Chris. I want to break up. You don't love me anymore. You probably cheated on me with that slut dancing with you and Ashley. Fuck off. I am getting my stuff and leaving." I yelled at him. Everyone was shocked. "Angel, your nose is bleeding." Josh said as I felt the blood pouring from my nose. "I am fine." I said. "Angel, please. Can we talk please?" Chris begged. "Fuck no. Go back to your little whore." I said storming out of the tent. My body started shaking. I heard Josh yelling after me and Devin screaming at Chris. I fell to the ground as my body convulsed. I was having a seizure. "DEVIN!" I heard Josh yell. Josh held me. "I am calling an ambulance. Stay with me Angel." Josh said. I heard him call the ambulance. "Devin, she just started seizing." Josh said. "Shit, Angel, please tell me you aren't using again." Devin said holding my head. I looked up into his eyes. He started crying. "Shit." Devin cursed. The ambulance got here and Devin got in with me. He told Josh to meet us at the hospital. I felt Devin holding my hand. They finally got me stable. "I am so sorry Dev." I said. He stroked my hair. "It's alright Angel. I'm gonna help you." He said. We got to the hospital and the doctors whisked me away. They had to take me into surgery because I fractured some bones when I fell. I got back to my room and all I saw was Chris sitting there waiting with tears streaming down his face. Once I was all set up he finally looked at me. "Get out." I said trying not to cry. "No, I love you. I love you so fucking much. I am sorry that I have been treating you so shitty but I knew of the miscarriage. I saw the hospital bill and I had to call the hospital to ask what it was about. I was hurt you didn't want to share it with me and then I found your stash in the house. I was extremely hurt. Angel, I don't know why you couldn't tell me about the miscarriage or that you relapsed. I would've helped you. We would've gotten through it together. That's why I wasn't spending much time with you. I was hurt. You think I picked that girl to dance with me. No I did not. I wanted to dance with you but the director made it that way. I am sorry that I skipped our anniversary to film a video but that was the only time we could get it done. If I knew it would've hurt you so much, I would've told Ashley no. I was going to propose to you. I want to be with you forever. I am so sorry Angel. I know I am a fuck up but I can try to change. I want to better for you. You deserve a better boyfriend and I want to be that better boyfriend." He said. I was sobbing. He held me in his arms. "Now the first thing we have to do is get you better." He said. I nodded. He signed me up for rehab. It was extremely hard. I was gone for a few months. Chris visited me every day with all the boys or sometimes it was just Chris. I realized the drugs messed up my mind and I was extremely wrong to yell at Chris like that. I was the one who caused all the problems because I was back on drugs but now we will be better. I walked out of the rehab center and there was Chris in a black suit on one knee with a ring. I started to cry. I ran towards him kissing him. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said slipping the ring on my finger. "I am so sorry for everything. Let's just go home." I said. "Can we please start a family?" he asked. I nodded. It felt nice that we were back to our normal. I am clean and happy with the man I love.

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