Our Batman Obsessed Family (Andy Biersack)

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Ivy's POV

"ANDREW DENNIS BIERSACK, LISTEN TO ME!" I screamed walking into the house after him. "Harley, go upstairs. I will be there soon." I said kissing her forehead. She nodded and ran to her room. "ANDREW, YOU COMPLETELY IGNORED YOUR DAUGHTER TONIGHT !" I screamed. We have just gotten back from Ivy's school recital. We enrolled her in a music school. She performed The Mortician's Daughter on the piano as her performance for the recital to show off the students' talent. "SHE ISN'T EVEN MY FUCKING DAUGHTER IVY! WE ADOPTED HER!" he screamed. My heart shattered. "Andy, remember when before I moved and we were dating." I said. He nodded getting angrier. "Well when my dad got another job out of state at a different mortuary, I took a test. That night before I left you got me pregnant. I was only 14. I knew I couldn't handle a baby on my own so I made the decision to put it up for adoption. I didn't know if I was ever coming back to Ohio so I thought it was best you didn't know. Nine months later I had a beautiful daughter named Harley Quinn Smith. She was sent to a good home. I didn't know she was put back into the foster care system. So when we went to adopt and I saw her, I knew that was my baby girl I gave up. Andy what I'm trying to say is Harley is your daughter. I took hair from us and her and got it tested. She is 100% our daughter." I said. By the time I was done I was bawling my eyes out. "YOU SHOULD OF FUCKING TOLD ME!" he screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU HAVE DONE?" I screamed back. His faced dropped. "HOW WILL I KNOW THAT YOU WON'T LEAVE ME ONCE I HAVE BRUCE?" I screamed at him placing my hand over my four month along tummy. He started crying. I heard a thud on the floor. I got up and ran to the stairs. I ran to Harley's room. I saw a note on her bed and her wrists cut deep. I started sobbing. I picked her up and placed her in the car. Andy saw and tried to get in the car with us. "Stay the fuck away from my daughter." I hissed at him. He looked at me like I just broke his heart. Right now I was so mad at him I didn't even want to see him. I drove to the hospital quickly and they took Harley right away. In two hours a nurse came and got me. She said they got to stabilize her and she should wake up in a little bit. I sat next to Harley and held her hand. I kissed her forehead. "Sweetie, I'm sorry for what daddy said. He didn't mean it. I love you so much baby girl. You need to pull through and come home. I really want you to be able to live a long happy life and I want you to be able to meet your little brother Bruce." I said. I felt her hand tighten in my grip. "I love you too mommy." She said smiling. I smiled back. We talked for a little bit till she fell asleep. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep myself. I woke up to the sound of Harley's door opening. I opened my eyes a little. It was Andy. He had a bouquet of Lilies for her with her breakfast. "Morning Harley." He said. "Hi daddy." She said sounding sad. "Harley, I'm so sorry baby girl. I didn't mean it. I love you so much." He said kissing her forehead. "It's okay daddy, I forgive you. I love you too." She said kissing his cheek. "Harley, do you want to know a secret?" he asked. She nodded. "I don't know if mommy would want me to tell you with her asleep but I want to tell you anyway. When me and your mommy were younger we dated. We were both 14, her dad got a new job in a different state. She moved away from me so we had to break up. Before she left we had sex. Mommy became pregnant and she didn't tell me. She gave up her daughter so she could have a better life. She named her daughter Harley Quinn Smith. Harley what I'm trying to say is I'm your biological father. That day when we walked into the adoption center she thought it was you, her baby girl." By now he was crying. "Your mommy took a DNA test for you, me and her. It came back that we were both your biological parents." He said. I opened my eyes and saw Harley crying. Andy pulled her into his lap and they cried together. "Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she keep me? She could've gone back to you and kept me." She said. My heart shattered. My dad didn't want me to keep her that's why I gave her up. I still don't talk to my dad. He ruined my life by making me give up Harley. I got up and left the room. Harley must hate me. I ran through the hospital and bumped into Jinxx. "Ivy, what's wrong?" he asked. "Please take me home." I said through my tears. He nodded. I gave him my keys and we got in my car. He drove me home and took me in. "Can I spend a couple days with you and Sammi? Andy and I are fighting." I said. He nodded. I grabbed some clothes and essentials and we headed to his house. I walked in and Sammi engulfed me in a hug. She took me to the guest room and we talked. She let me cry and she comforted me. We ended up taking a nap together. I woke up and it was 8. Sammi was gone. I headed downstairs and there sat Andy and Harley. I tried to head back upstairs without being noticed. "Mommy." Harley said. I turned around and started to cry. "Harley, I'm so sorry. I know you must hate me and I love you. I'm so sorry." I said. I fell to floor sobbing. I felt arms wrap around me. "Mommy, I could never hate you. I love you. Thank you for saving me. And if you didn't give me up maybe you and daddy wouldn't be together. But you guys are together now, we have each other and we will have Bruce soon and we will be one big happy Batman obsessed family." She said. I chuckled and kiss her forehead. "I love you too Sweetie." I said. She smiled and Andy looked at us. Harley nudged me towards him and went out back with Sammi and Jinxx. "Ivy, I'm so sorry. I understand why you didn't tell me about Harley. I love you. Please come home. Let us be a big happy family." He said. "I love you too Andy." I said kissing him. He kissed back and hugged me tightly. "Let's go home and watch some Batman." I said. He smiled. He grabbed my bags and I thanked Jinxx and Sammi. Harley climbed in the car and we headed home. Harley rested her head on my shoulder and Andy put in the movie. We sat together and watched Batman Begins. "I can't wait till Bruce is here so we can be a big happy family." Andy said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Harley.

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