Bury Our Hatchet (Ronnie Radke)

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Jodie’s POV

I climbed out of bed and looked at Ronnie’s packed bags that surrounded our bedroom. I sighed and headed downstairs. “SWEETIE! CHARLIE! BREAKFAST!” I screamed. They came running over and I gave them their food. I felt arms wrap around my waist. Tears welled up in my eyes. “You know you can come with. I really want you to come.” He said. I nodded. What he didn’t know is Craig is my ex. I mean we ended on pretty bad terms since he cheated on me with Gabby but they are together now and having a baby. Who knows what could happen if I go? “Fine, I will go on one condition. Jenn has to come with.” I said. “I will call Ryan right away.” He said running to find his phone. I sighed and headed outside. I called the number I swear I wasn’t going to call ever again. “Craig.” I said. “Jo.” He said breathless. “Listen, I don’t know if you knew or not but I am dating Ronnie. I decided that I am coming on tour with him. I just wanted to know if we would have any problems.” I said. “No, of course not. I am with Gab now as I am sure you know. I just don’t want any hard feelings between us.” He said. “Okay, well I guess I will see you when tour starts.” I said. We hung up and I headed inside rubbing my head with the migraine that is soon to come. Ronnie already had me packed and ready to go. “This is why I love you.” I said kissing him. We went to shower and got ready. The bus pulled up and we headed out. Charlie attacked Ryan with kisses and I ran to hug Jenn. We climbed onto the bus and headed for the first stop. I was so jittery the whole way to venue. Jenn looked at me confused and nodded to the back room. I nodded and followed her. “What is up with you?” she asked. “Multiple things.” I said groaning. She rubbed my back. “Ice cream?” she asked. I nodded and she went to go get it from the freezer. “So what is going on?” she asked. “Well Ronnie and I are having issues with Crissy with trying to get Willow to spend time with us, Ronnie has been acting different around me and Craig is on tour with us. Oh yeah, I dated Craig before I met Ronnie.” I said. Jenn rubbed my back. “Everything will work out. Just talk to Ronnie before the show.” She said. I nodded. The bus came to a stop and I went to go find Ronnie. “Where is Ronnie?” I asked Jacky. “He went to go see Escape The Fate.” He said. I worried and ran out to stop him but he was already on the bus. I knocked on the door and waited. “Joey!” Max yelled. “Maxine!” I yelled hugging him tightly. “I was looking for Ronnie. I really need to talk to him.” I said rubbing my neck. He looked at me concerned. “He doesn’t know about you and Craig.” He whispered yelled. I nodded. He let me on and I saw all the guys. I smiled running around hugging them. Ronnie and Craig walked into the front of the bus. “Jo, this is Craig.” Ronnie said. “Nice to meet you.” I said shaking Craig’s hand glaring at him. He shook it back. “Ronnie, I really need to talk to you.” I said. “It will have to wait babe. I have sound check.” He said. I nodded and he went to sound check. “You tell him before I do and I will kill you.” I told Craig. He nodded. I ran off the bus to go wait for Ronnie. I sat side stage but fuck my luck because he had to go do an interview and then a photo shoot since it was the first stop of the tour. “Ronnie, we really need to talk.” I said pleading. “I have to go on now but I promise you. As soon as I get off, we will talk. I love you Jodie.” He said kissing me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around me. I watched him perform with Jenn and she held me tightly. They finished their set. “I would like to call my beautiful girlfriend, Jodie, out here.” Ronnie said. I walked out slowly in fear of what is about to happen. He held me in his arms and kissed my head. “This girl, I love with all my heart. She taught me what it feels like to love again. So Jodie, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of marrying me?” he asked getting down on one knee. I started crying and nodded giving him my hand. He slipped the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately. He then started the encore with Craig. They got off the stage and Ronnie went to meet some fans. “Congrats.” Craig said walking up to me. “Thanks, listen Craig, I am glad we were able to work things out. Friends?” I said extending my hand. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I punched him and tried to push him away. “What the fuck is going on?” Ronnie yelled. “Ronnie, it isn’t what it looks like.” I sobbed. “She is right, I was just jealous seeing her happy and in love with someone other than me.” Craig said. Ronnie picked me up from the ground and walked me back to the bus. He put me on the bed and started to walk away. “I will be sleeping on the couch.” He said. “Please Ronnie, let’s talk this out.” I said sobbing. He came back. “What haven’t you been telling me?” he asked. “Craig and I dated when you were in jail and until 2012. We were engaged then he cheated on me with Gab. I left him and that’s when I met you. I fell instantly in love with you. I love you so much. I don’t ever want to loose you. You’re my world.” I said breaking down. Ronnie held me in his arms. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he asked. “I didn’t want you to be angry with me.” I said. He kissed my head. “I would never be angry with you.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. “I love you, Jo. Forever and Always.” He said.

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