You Are The One I Want (Michael Bohn)

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Harper's POV

Today I decided to go shopping with one of my good friends. The two of us have the day off from school so we didn't have to worry about anything, we could take as long as we wanted to without getting in trouble for skipping. I've known Michael since middle school and throughout the time that we've been friends the two of is have gotten closer, now spending almost all of our time together. Of course there were the people that thought me and Michael were a couple but we both usually laughed it off. "So where do you want to go first, Harper?" Michael asked me as we walked into the mall with our arms linked. "It's going to be summer soon, so could we look at some dresses?" I suggested. Michael nodded his head, "Sure thing." A few people looked at us, probably unaware to the fact that the two of us were just friends, there was nothing else going on between Michael and myself. Once I found one of the dress stores that I have been to before and quite liked, we both walked in and started looking around. A few moments later, Michael returned with a few dresses in his hands. "You should try these on, whichever one you like the most, I'll get for you," He smiled warmly. Usually I am against him buying anything for me but this time I really don't want to fight with him so I just nodded my head and walked towards the dressing rooms.

It wasn't until I put the first dress on that I realized that my old scars from when I used to self-harm were showing. I stopped about a year ago, Michael never knew because I never told him, I was able to sort things out by myself, which of course I eventually did but I know that I should have told him. "Harper, is everything okay? Do I need to get a different size?" Michael called out from the other side of the dressing rooms. "No, it's okay, I'll be out in a minute," I called back. Judging that he had no response, I guess that he heard me. Quickly, I tried on each of the dresses and found my favorite. I walked out of the dressing room to find Michael, hoping that he wouldn't be too far away and also hoping that he wouldn't react too badly to the scars that littered my thighs. When he first saw me he was smiling but that smile slowly dropped as his eyes wondered over to my scars. "I'm going to get changed," I said before walking back off to the dressing room. I couldn't handle seeing that look on his face for much longer, it was quite upsetting. Once I slipped on my skinny jeans I made sure that my shoe laces were done up and then I walked out of the dressing room to see a rather gloomy looking Michael standing there. I put away the dresses that I wasn't going to buy and then walked up and paid for the dress that I liked, stopping Michael from paying. I just felt bad for letting my scars show. Even though I knew I shouldn't feel like this, I am and there wasn't much that I could do about it now. "Harper, why did you tell me?" Michael asked as soon as we were out of the store. "I could handle it on my own," I began, "I know I probably should've asked for help but I thought I'd get better. And I did, really, I haven't hurt myself in over a year now," There was a slight smile on my face once I finished my sentence, I am proud of how far I've come. "Harper, seeing those scars made me think about how lost I'd be without you. You're my everything and I really do think that without you I'd be really different," He said. "What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" Michael asked with a nervous tone. Smiling, I nodded my head. "Of course I will be. You mean so much to me Michael," I smiled. Michael smiled back at me and reached down for my hand, holding it in his softly.

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