Thanks For Loving Me (Ashley Purdy)

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Reveille's POV

I whimpered and cried as a gang of men in an alleyway raped me. I was just walking home from work when they kidnapped me. They finally finished and walked away. I sobbed and heard someone walk down the alley. I whimpered and tried to hide. "Hello, are you okay?" a voice asked. "Don't hurt me." I said, as I feel dizzy. I passed out on the cold wet concrete. I felt someone lift me up and I was scared. I woke up and I was covered in a blanket and five men staring at me. I cower away from them in fear they will hurt me too. A man reached out and held my hand. "Hey, you are alright. No one is going to hurt you. You are completely safe here with us." He said. I was mesmerized by his voice and it calmed me down. I cling to him for protection as he strokes my hair. I have been with the guys a few months and I have learned to trust them. Ashley is the one who saved me and I can't thank him enough. "Hey, Reveille I found you a job." Ashley said. "No you have done enough. You don't need to get me a job." I said. "You are just helping out at the merch booth." He said. "Ashley." I said. "Please take the job." He said. "Fine but only got you." I said hugging him. I went into the venue and helped out the merch guy. "Having fun?" Ashley asked. "Yes, I am." I said smiling at him. I have been working hard and I realized I get paid a lot for the little job that I do. I caught a taxicab to a car dealership to buy a gift for Ashley to thank him for everything he has done for me since he saved me. I found a nice Lamborghini for him. I smiled and paid for it. I drove back to the venue and honked the horn. The guys came outside and their jaws dropped. "Like the gift?" I asked. "Who is it for?" Ashley asked. "You of course. I have to thank you for everything you have done for me." I said. "I cannot accept this Reveille. It is too much." He says freaking out. I kissed him and calmed him down. "I won't take no for an answer Ashley." I said. He smiled and kissed me. The guys admire the car. "Why not get us one?" Jake asked. I chuckled and hugged him. "Hey Reveille." Ashley says. "Yes." I say smiling at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. "I would love to." I said kissing him jumping into his arms. He caught me and kissed me back. We have been together now for four years. It has been wonderful. I try to go on tour with him when I can but I stay home sometimes to take care of Tokyo and Killer. "Baby, I can't wait any longer. I was going to do this during the show but I can't wait. Will you please marry me? I love you so much." He said. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." I screamed over and over again with happiness kissing him. He slipped a ring on my finger and kissed me. A year later we got married on a private beach ceremony that was just our family and the BVB family. We spent our honeymoon in Paris where he got me pregnant. Isabelle is the light of our life. Ashley is on his way home from tour now and Belle is staring out the window waiting for Ashley holding Killer in her lap. Even though it was late she refused to go to sleep without seeing him. She is ten now. The bus pulled up out front and she screamed. She put Killer down and ran outside. "Daddy!" she screamed. "Buttercup." He said lifting her up. "Ashley." I said kissing him. "Hi baby." He said kissing me back. "I am so happy you are home." I said. "I am so glad to be home with my girls." He said kissing us. We waved goodbye to the boys and headed inside. We curled up on the couch and Belle clung to him. "Can we watch a movie daddy?" she asked. "We can watch your favorite." He said. I smiled and put in Beauty and the Beast. I looked over halfway through the movie and found both of them asleep. I smiled and covered them with a blanket. I kissed Belle's forehead and kissed Ashley. "Thank you for loving me and giving me a family." I whispered to Ashley. I saw him smile in his sleep. I curled up on the couch next to them and fell asleep with them.

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