I Know For Sure I Love You(Elliot Gruenburg)

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Brandi's POV

"Brandi, you should come out to this party, all of the guys are going to be there," Beau called out from the front of the bus. Sighing, I got up and walked over to where he was sitting. I am Beau's little sister and he decided to bring me on tour. I was wondering why he was even asking if I wanted to go out to one of the touring band's parties. Everyone just ended up drinking and doing things they wouldn't remember when they woke up, where's the fun in that? "What's the catch? Let me see, no drinking, I have to be back in the bus by 10," I continued. Beau shook his head and laughed. "No catch, just have fun for once," He smiled. "Elliott it's going to be there too," He smirked as he nudged my arm. The whole band thought that there was something going on between me and Elliot because we are always together but we are just friends. I like him a little more than a friend should but he would never find out. I finally found a dress that I liked and then walked off of the bus with Elliott by my side. "You look nice," Elliott said softly. "You too," I replied, even thought he was just wearing the usual band shirt and skinny jeans. The two of us walked into the party, it was already in full swing. I saw the members of Asking Alexandria over in the corner making out with their girlfriends of girls that they'd decided to hook up with. Me and Elliott ordered the same drink and began drinking, one after the other, there wasn't really anything else to do. It'd been a few hours since me and Elliott had started drinking. The two of us were sitting outside near a beach, just watching the waves, not really talking about anything. "H-Hey, Brandi," Elliot said as he tried to steady his words. "Ye-Yeah?" I replied. This is my first time getting drunk, at the age of 23 I am kind of embarrassed by that. "I really like y-you," He began, "I should've told you earlier." "I like you too, Elliot," I smiled. He leaned in and cupped my face, pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back, hoping that I will remember all of this tomorrow.

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