Part 2

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You nodded.

"Yep, another universe freed from captivity."

"What was the name of this universe?" Chara asked sweetly, always curious about what you had done.

"This time I did one of the more simple au's, it was outer tale."

(aight this may not be out on the day I wanted because I found one of the first few roblox games I ever played again, so I spent a while playing that. Basicly the game was taken down for a few years because of beef between the owners, it was taken down and turned into a shitty tycoon, but since then it was handed back to the TRUE owner who reverted it back to its previous state and its now being worked on again.
I am so fucking happy.
The roblox group is "Black Oragami Studios" and the game was "guide of the realm" check it out, its really old and simple graphics since old roblox, but the game is functional. Even has mobile support.)

"Oooohhh, what's that like?"

"it's just space pretty much. Not much else to it."

"That sounds interesting, might wanna visit there sometimes."

"Maybe, but not soon, there's a few things on top of work I wanna do before relaxing."

"And those are?"

"I put it off for a while but I wanna get the last few bits for the heaven plan. You remember that right? Dio's Diary?"

Chara stood for a moment, thinking about what you asked.

"I think? Was it when you got the blood vial for him?"

"Yeah, we have all the souls in the attic and I wanna get the last few pieces so ascension is available if it's ever needed."

"What do we need again? Can you remind me?"

"Dio's bone, and a way to get to the location."

"How do you plan to get his bone?"

"I can hop to a random universe and take it from him. Not much else to it."

"Well rest up before you go to fight him, he can stop time too and that isn't something we have ever encountered since your first fight with him."

"I know I know."

You went upstairs as you took out a piece of paper and scribbled onto it.

"What are you writing?"

"Ingredients to heaven, I don't wanna have to read the diary every time I wanna remind myself."

Chara nodded before heading back downstairs, you continued to scribble.

The way to heaven:

1) Dio's bone.
2) the 14 phrases.
3) A friend you can trust. (not needed but makes the process safer)
4) The location (28 degrees 24 minutes north, 80 degrees 36 minutes west.)
5) the 36 souls of sinners.


1) bring the 36 sinner's souls into contact with the bone, forming the green baby.
2) utter the 14 phrases to the green baby, a fusion between you and it will occur.
3) head to the location detailed above and wait for the new moon, that is when "heaven" will come.

You put down the pen as you put the piece of paper into your pocket.

(yes this piece of paper will matter in a different story. A story it will be a different book but it will also not be a continuation of the unitale storyline.)

You wandered downstairs as you collapsed on the couch, flicking on the TV as you scanned through the several channels, eventually giving up and watching the news.

"What's made you so tired today hmm?"

You looked behind you, Chara was leaning onto the couch while looking at you.

"The genociders I have to kill are always determined to survive so I always have to put in a equal or greater amount of determination to stop them from doing a reset. That's why I don't go out every day, it's too taxing on my soul and it needs to recover."

"But it's not life threatening anymore right?"

"Nah, it's like any form of training, eventually your body will get used to it. Kinda like how I can consistently make portals now without needing a day's rest or one of those pills to refill my magic supply."

"That's interesting."

"It really isn't, it's just getting used to taxing uses of magic."

You turned back to face the TV, eventually giving up on it entirely.

"You know what C? I'm gonna go see Jotaro and Kakyoin, I haven't spoken to them in a while."

"Visit them tommorow, your clearly exhausted. Go sleep, we aren't in a rush or anything."

You smiled lightly as you got up.


You set off to your and Chara's shared bedroom, showering and changing into pyjamas as you collapsed onto the bed, letting sleep take you with no resistance.

UniTale: Settling Down [Reader x Storyshift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now