Chapter 2: First Day Classes

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"Good morning students. I am Mr. Dwight and welcome to Foothill Junior Secondary. I am the principal here and I hope that you all behave while you are here. When I call your elementary school, please exit out the back doors," Is all I heard before just tunning her out and waiting for my school to be called.

After about 20 minutes of waiting for the so-called "controlled chaos" to settle for the next school to be called and eventually, "Edgewood Elementary," was called by the principal.

I got up and threw my backpack over my shoulder waving later to Joshua and headed to the back for my schedule. I got into the left line as it was shorter. I continued moving forward until I got to the front. "Last name please," the lady holding a large stack of papers asked.

"Gondolaz," I said.

"Umm, this is the M-Z last name line. You should be over there," The lady said.

Great! I moved out of the line and to the back of the much longer line. This sucks though; the next school was called and I was behind a boy with curly brown locks. I figured that I should probably not draw any attention to the fact that I messed up and just went on my phone until I had the same, "Last name please," question asked to me by the person handing out papers in this line.

"Gondolaz," I said.

"Wait, do you have a twin attending this school?" He asked.

"Yes, Atticus would be his name," I said.

"Oh, could you give this to him? He didn't come when your school was called and I will let him know that you have it." He said handing me both schedules.

"Thanks, and I will get this to him," I said and left the theatre.

I wandered around for a bit looking for my homeroom based on the room number until I was met with a grey door and a sign above it reading "Room 607". I turned the knob and pushed the door in to be met with a huge cheer by the other students in there. "Come on in and take a seat." The teacher said.

I went in and sat down in an empty chair at the front of the room. Not long after, the teacher put a piece of paper on the desk in front of me and introduced himself as Mr. Edge and right away I knew that this year is going to be peachy. Focus, just get this sheet filled out and just zone out the rest of this block so you can go to your classes.

Question one, Name. Okay well, I am Maison.

Question two, Last Name. Okay, Gondolaz.

Question three, Age. Is this just a bunch of random questions about who I am?

Never mind, I am just not going to do this now and wait till I get home. I looked back up and saw that the teacher was writing some things on the board about how you need to be caring of others in the school and to not litter and to respect others' property. "Now that you know about these rules, we can go out and get our lockers! I have already gone ahead and assigned you lockers within our bank and have already given you all a lock," Mr. Edge said.

Geez, someone is a control freak. Maybe I can slip my lock on without him noticing and just not tell him the combination. Genius! "When I call your name, please come to the front so you can receive your locker number and combination."

After Mr. Edge had called the rest of the class up by what appeared to be descending grade, I was finally called. I got up and grabbed my slip. Locker 6120 and combination 32-16-25. I grabbed my bag and raced out the door to find my locker. I began counting the lockers and praying as I found my number closing in and two massive Grade 12s standing a locker apart. 6118, Grade 12, 6120, Grade 12. Oh, the profanities I would have said if I wasn't such a goodie two shoes. I fumbled around with the lock until I finally heard the click of satisfaction. I swung the door open, careful not to hit the giant that towers beside me, and placed all my things in there except my phone, earbuds, and schedule. I then removed the lock that was on there and placed my identical one. The speakers came on and a voice blasted through saying, "Thank you students for going to your homeroom. We will now be proceeding to the period one class."

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