Chapter 7: Here Comes The Fun (Do, Do, Do, Do)

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"Maison, would you come down and do the dishes with your brother," Mom called from downstairs.

I went down and sure enough, Atticus was standing there ready to wash. I hated drying because I had to put the dishes away all by myself. When Atticus dried, I would help but he would usually just leave it all to me. "I'm going out for coffee with an old friend and expect those dishes to be clean and put away. Bye," Mom called as she closed the door.

"Let's just get this over with," I said and grabbed the towel.

He got started with washing, I dried, and after 10 minutes, everything was done. I was about to go back up to my room to read when Atticus said, "I know where mom hid our phones. Why don't we go get them?"

"And why would I want to help you and get myself in trouble while doing so?" I asked back.

"I don't know? Why do you think we're going to get into trouble?"

"You kinda have a reputation," I said back with a wink.

"Fine! Have fun doing nothing."

He stormed up past me and I just went back to reading. I do have to agree that having my phone is fun but I also need to have a break sometimes. That's also why I haven't played on my console for the past week. At least I get my phone back today. I know that the grounding ended yesterday but, I wanted to have mom give me my phone back on her own time as to not upset her. I went over to my bag to get my book when I saw some math homework sitting there. I'm not one to pass on some homework and went right to it. Things were peaceful, the radio playing in the background, when a scream came from down the hall, "MAISON! Get over here now!"

"What is it?" I asked as I entered the room to see that Joshua was standing there, "What are you doing here?"

"I came in the window like you did last week. I thought this was your room but I guessed wrong."

"Get out of here, NOW!" Atticus said.

Both Joshua and I left and went to my room. "Why are you here?" I asked.

Joshua sat down on my bed and replied, "I was wondering if you could help me with some math work. I tried calling but it just went to voicemail."

"You could have knocked on the front door," I said.

"A boy's gotta have fun sometimes," He said with a wink.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Just this," He said, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolding it.

"Oh, I was just working on that," I said when I got a look at the title.

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a chair so he could sit at the desk with me and got to work. We worked on the work and something I realized is that he was having a hard time interpreting some of the concepts. Slowly, our papers were filled and sure enough, I heard Mom come in downstairs, "Where did you guys go?"

"I'm in my room," I replied.

Footsteps came closer to my door and Mom popped her head in. "Hello Josh, didn't know you were here."

"I tried calling but Maison didn't answer," Joshua said.

"Oh, that's my bad. I forgot to return his phone. I'll be right back with it."

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