Chapter 13: Have a Good Summer!

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I was sitting at home studying for upcoming exams when Atticus entered my room. "Could I get some help with math?" He asked.

"May I get some help," I answered imitating him.

"Okay Mr. Perfect, may I get some help with math?"

"I'll think about it."


"For sure! Anything to help my cousin out," I said.

"I'm never gonna get over that," Atticus said taking a seat on the floor beside my desk.

"So, what do you need help with?"


"Do you have your notes?" I ask gesturing to his binder.

"I never took notes," Atticus said.

I dropped my head onto my desk and sighed. My phone vibrated the entire desk and my head. I looked up and checked to see that Joshua had sent me a message asking if I wanted to come over. "Can't. Need to help Atticus with Math," I replied.

"Who was that?" Atticus asked.

"Nobody. Why haven't you taken any notes?"

"I didn't have the motivation before."

We got to work going through the textbook and making him write all the notes he missed through the year. Every page I could get through was one less that I would have to do before seeing Joshua. Atticus's hand started to cramp and I laughed. He started to give me the stink eye but shook it off before I changed my mind.

Hours had passed and dinner was made. I sat at the kitchen table eating my food while Atticus scurried through his notes. Mom walked in and said, "This is a change of pace for you."

"Sorry, Mom. Can't talk. Need to study," Atticus said pulling his papers together before rushing up to his room.

"Is he okay," Mom asked me.

"I think he might be a little sick. He came to me a few hours ago asking me to help him study and he spent the entire time taking notes on the entire course."

"Well, you should get to bed. Don't want you falling asleep during an exam."

"Night," I called headed back to my room.

I got changed into my PJs and hopped under the covers. I kept thinking about all the notes from Math, Science, Humanities, and French. The French presentation was ready to go. My final English assignment is ready to print. I know all the facts I need for Science and Socials. Math is just a matter of remembering to bring my formula card. I've got this in the bag like every other year. I tossed and turned, eventually slipping into darkness and relaxation.

I woke up and looked at my clock to see that there was still half an hour before I needed to be up. This extra time couldn't go to waste so I went to my backpack and started to take out the things I no longer needed at school. Joshua was also coming over for the first time in months to have a sleepover. I heard my phone start buzzing and making the terrible beeping noise I woke up to every morning.

The bell had rung and I was now done Drama. I went over to math and got seated for the exam. Genevieve came over and sat beside me, placing a divider so we wouldn't cheat. I grabbed out my formula card and when the exam time started, I went to town. Twenty minutes before the time was up, I closed the booklet and brought it to the teacher's desk. I was excused early and I went to the cafeteria to get my French presentation open and ready to go.

I did my presentation and got applause from the teacher. Other students weren't as appreciative of the effort that went in. I left after the bell and made my way to Humanities. As I passed by the teacher's desk, I handed in the final assignment and went to my desk to write the exam. Joshua showed up not long after and sat down. We got the exam and started right away.

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