Chapter 5: Welcome to the Jungle

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I could feel my extremities come to life as the rest of my body came to life. I swung my head left and saw my door still closed and the room dark. I looked right to see that there was no sun to be seen. I sat up and looked at my clock to see that it was three in the morning. I lay back down and contemplate going back into sweet slumber. I knew that if I did go back to sleep, I would have that same dream that I've had since I was little. I couldn't deal with it now and just wanted to relax. I roll over and grab my phone to watch some YouTube and get my mind off the events that I had witnessed.

"As always, I will see you in my next video. Bye!" The guy in the video said as I pull down the notification shade and see that it's now six.

I walked over to the door and flicked on the light switch only to be met with this searing pain in my eyes. Slowly, my sight began to come back and I could get started. As usual, black on black on black. I packed my things and went down to the kitchen to see Atticus sitting at the table with a full English breakfast. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out an apple and made my way to the bus stop. I was lucky as it was our doorstep. I heard an engine approaching with great speed but not fast enough than the one who slams the door on his way out.

The bus stops and opens its door. As I walk on, the driver stops me and asks my name. "Maison," I respond.

"And who's the one walking up behind you?" he asks looking past me.

"Atticus," He replied.

"What's your last name?"

"Gondolaz," I replied.

"And you?"

"May I ask why you're asking all these questions?" Atticus fired back like Godzilla.

"I see that you're a brat so, it's in the front with the Kindergarteners for you. As for you," He pointed to me, "Pick a seat close to the back as that is where you high schoolers go."

"Thanks," I said starting to walk towards the back when...

"WHAT! Maison is the worst kid on busses. He loves to throw things around and trip people as they go down the aisle. I've tried to teach him not to but then he blames me. Make him sit with me and I will prove it to you," Atticus fired with me not even past the driver's seat.

Just stay calm and content. Don't let your brother get on your nerves. Just continue to walk forward. "Where do you think you're going?" The driver asked.

"Where I was told to go," I replied.

"Not after what your brother has said. Both of you in the seat right behind me."

I swear that Atticus is going to be the death of me. Good thing I keep an audio recorder going on my phone at all times. I sat down in the seat and Atticus joined beside me. I pull out my phone and open the recorder app. Sure enough, it got everything! I highlighted the section which contained these events and exported it to a file. I then opened my messaging app and sent it to mom. This was the end of Atticus's reign over me.

Minutes later, the bus stopped and opened its door outside the school. I grabbed my bag off the floor and made my way to the aisle. Atticus had made it out but I had to wait for all the rest of the students to unload because nobody seemed to remember bus etiquette from Kindergarten. The end of the line came to my seat and I slipped in ready to just get school dealt with when the doors slammed shut in front of me. "I saw you on your phone and I'm going to have to ask that you either show me what you were doing or hand it over so that I can turn it over to the principal and you can explain to her what you were doing," I heard from behind.

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