Chapter 6: Grounded

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"Over the weekend, I am wanting each of you to create a presentation about yourself. The handout tells you all the criteria and has the marking rubric on the back," Ms. Jackson said when the bell rang, "Have a good weekend!"

I bolted to my locker and grabbed my stuff knowing that the week was over and I had a sleepover to attend. I stuffed my humanities binder into my backpack, locked my locker, and ran out to the bus loop. Sure enough, my bus was first in line and loading everyone on. I hopped over, waved to the bus driver, who's nice and has even brought us treats once, and made my way to my seat. We do have assigned seating but because there was no other seat available, I got the single seat in the back of the bus. I pulled out my phone and let mom know that I was on my way. She replied telling me that, "You're in Grade 8 now. You don't have to tell me when you're on the bus or home anymore. I trust that you know how to get home and will alert me if something came up and changed your plans."

"Okay, I just don't want you to get yourself worried," I sent back.

I closed my messaging app and began working on my presentation. That is before I was interrupted by another message, "Hey man! I forgot to ask if you needed a ride to my place and if so, what time you wanted it."

"Um, sure. I guess around 7 would work for me as it gives me time to pack some things," I replied.

"Okay, see you later."

I closed the message and felt a little nauseous. I looked out the window and saw that we had already left the school. I couldn't look back down at my phone so I put in some music and just waited until my stop.

A few minutes later, the bus stopped and looking outside, I could see my house. I got up and grabbed my things before making my way to the front door. As I made my way up, I felt around my pockets and couldn't find my key. I turned around and asked Atticus, "Do you have your key on you?"

"Why?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Just wondering because mom did tell us that we both had to keep our keys on us," I replied knowing very well what he was trying to do.

"Of course, I do," He said waving it in front of me, "but the question is if you have yours?"

"No!" I thought. "Why wouldn't I," I said,

"Maybe because you left it in the bathroom last night and never grabbed it since."

Of course! He would know where my keys were just so he could get me in trouble even though he has lost his about a hundred times now. "Just unlock the door," I said.

"Only if you say I'm the better brother," He said.

"That would be wrong of me as that is lying, and you know what Mom thinks about us lying."

"Fine," He said before unlocking the door only for himself.

"Atticus! Open the door!" I yelled after hearing the click of the lock.

"Open it yourself, Mr. Perfect."

I dashed around to the back of the house and climbed up to Atticus's window. I knew he liked to keep it unlocked just in case Mom was going to spank him. I pried it open and crawled into his bed. It didn't matter where I landed as his floor was covered in about a foot's worth of clothing. Figures his room was a mess considering he never does his laundry or takes the trash out of his room. Looking around, I saw a plate of spaghetti from supper last night. I walked out of his room and made my way down to my room. I closed the door behind me and hung my backpack upon its hook. Reaching under my bed, I pulled out my suitcase and began looking around for things to pack. I looked over to my bedside table to get my charger and saw that mom was going to be home in half an hour. I ran downstairs and in one swift motion, I ate the dirt that laid between Atticus's shoes. "I had a feeling you were going to use my bedroom window to get in."

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