Chapter 10: Winter Wrap-up

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Christmas was awesome! I got a new watch, a new console, a bunch of electronic components for making circuits, and even a new laptop from Joshua. That day, Joshua's dad also made an amazing turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, and an amazing cheesecake for dessert. I spent the rest of the day playing outside with Joshua. We were sledding and we wanted to go down at the same time and he ended up crushing me between a tree and him. That night, I got the laptop set up and played games like Fortnite, CS-GO, and Minecraft until we finally went to sleep.

Mom came and picked me up the next day so I could spend some time with them. Atticus got a bunch of new sports equipment and sure enough, he was doing nothing but playing sports in the driveway as that was the only place where the snow was shovelled. I spent the day in my room building a transistor radio, following some directions from the internet and was eventually able to pick up the local music station. I was so proud of my creation that I reverse-engineered it into a transceiver. Mom came up at one point telling me to stop as I was interfering with the radio downstairs.

Days passed and New Year was just around the corner. I was looking out the window wondering where the year went. I thought back to Grade 7 and how lonely I felt. Now, I had a friend that cared about me. My grades haven't changed though the school has. I pulled out a new book I got over Christmas and went downstairs to be with Mom and Atticus as the clock changed. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!" We all said in unison as midnight struck.

I knew my goal for this year was to read more books and to try making more friends. I opened my book to the first page and just began reading.

I was sitting on my bed when Joshua called and wished me a happy new year. I sent him one back and went to reading. I heard something come from the hallway and ran out to see what happened. I saw Atticus laying on the ground, unconscious. "Mom!" I yelled trying to assess the situation.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"I don't know. I was reading when I heard a thud and came out to see this."

"I'll call the ambulance."

After what felt like forever, EMTs came up the stairs and I backed away so they could take him to the hospital. I went with Mom in her vehicle and drove right behind. We made it to emerge and Atticus was taken in. Mom and I waited in the lobby. A doctor came and asked if we were family, then told us he would be there for a few days as he had a fractured skull and rib.

We got back home and just sat in the living room silent. Mom eventually got up and grabbed a box down from on top of the fridge. She came back and handed it to me saying, "I think it's time you learned the truth."

I opened the box and the first thing I saw was a death certificate. "I know Auntie Janice and Uncle Kent were dead," I said.

"Look at the document underneath those," Mom said, sitting down and grabbing a box of tissues.

I picked up the documents and saw an adoption form. Closer inspection showed that it was my adoption papers. I looked at the adoptee and saw Mom's name. Further down the page, I saw the reason for adoption was the death of parents. I looked to the original parents and saw my aunt's and uncle's names listed. "You and Atticus were born on the same day but to different parents. Your parents loved you very much but after being diagnosed with cancer for your mother and a neurodegenerative disorder for your father, they knew you needed new parents," Mom said, "I didn't want to make you feel like an outcast so I raised you and your brother like twins."

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.

"Because your brother was diagnosed with the same disorder as your father. The doctors believe it caused a seizure."

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