Chapter 8: Coming Out

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"Three nothing for me as I win again!" I said, throwing my arms in the air.

"Since when were you such an athlete?" Joshua asked, running towards me.

"I might not be the athlete of the family but that doesn't mean I haven't picked up a thing or two," I said, picking up the ball and meeting him at the door.

We entered went inside, took off our shoes, and went to the kitchen. "Do you want anything?" Joshua asked.

"What did I tell you? While I'm here, you are a normal kid that has fun and lets others do things for themselves." I said, walking over to him by the fridge.

"And what are the two of you looking to eat?" A voice said, startling me and Joshua, "I don't know, probably just going to grab a couple of apples and head back to my room."

"Is this the Maison I keep hearing about from school?" The man asked.

"Dude, that's when you introduce yourself," Joshua whispered in my still frozen ear.

I turn around, put out my hand and said, "It is and it's a pleasure to meet you," through my anime smile.

"Too much!" Joshua said.

"A pleasure to meet you too. I hear that you get along quite nicely. I'm surprised you aren't a girl, then I would make sure Joshua treated you properly."

"DAD! He's just a friend and nothing more. And he's DEFINITELY NOT A GIRL!"


"Don't make any jokes," Joshua said, interrupting my joke.

I looked over to the man and could tell we both shared the same puzzled face. Joshua left upstairs and slammed a door shut. "Umm... That happened," I said, turning to look up the stairs Joshua just stormed up.

"I'm sorry. Our family has a reputation for being proper and following true Christian practices. I know the new generation isn't and I'm okay with that, but I want to see our little Joshua grow up to be a successful man," The man said.

"I can understand your point of view, my mother always thought I was going to become a doctor or a scientist yet I wanted to go into the creative field," I said.

"A creative one, are you? What types of art are you interested in?"


"Ah... Are you going up, or should I?"

"I'll go. I have a feeling this is one of those 'not for parent' things," I said, making my way towards the stairs.

I went to his door and gave it a soft knock. "Go away Dad. I need to deal with this myself."

"And your dad is not the one who's most concerned," I said, opening the door and walking in.

"MAISON! I thought Dad would have kicked you out for making me mad," He said, hugging me.

"I'm still here and he said he would stay downstairs. What's up?" I asked, sitting on the floor but he motioned me to sit on his bed with him.

"Please don't laugh or judge me for what I'm about to say and whatever you do, don't tell my Dad."

"Okay, try me," I said.

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