The Ignorance of Others Will Cause You Pain

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Hey guys. Chapter four!!!  I hope you guys like it! Enjoy! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Four- The ignorance of others will cause you pain

They day had gone well enough. I had met two people as into high end fashion as me. Patrica Campel, she was fifteen, pale gray eyes, and bleach blonde hair. She was a competitive junior gymnast and understood my schedule of school and figure skating. Amber Jane was fourteen,turning fifteen in two weeks,she was short and thin with choclate eyes, ringlet brown hair and obssed with suspenders and purple. She danced competitvly. We were friends instantly. We understood each other and got along perfectly.

The last bell rang for the day and I headed to my locker. It was on the other side of the school so by the time I got their most everyone was gone.

I spun the lock around to get my bag and a hand found my shoulder. It whipped me around thrust me painfully aganst the lockers. My vision blurred and came back into focous. It was three of the football jockies. Jake, Brad and Eric. I then looked behind me and saw Ryan smiling.

"Lysacek!" I screamed. I surged forward but was pushed back by his cronies.

"They insisted Camille. I mean, someone like you needs some discipline in this school. Just in first hour, you broke nine of the ten unspoken rules." He grinned. I growled.

"Besides, it won't hurt your competition. Season doesn't begin for us for another month.You'll have plenty of time to heal up."

"Don't Ryan, your better than this." I whispered.

The cronies laughed. I struggled.

"Go ahead." he directed. And the bastard walked away.

They punched me several times in the stomach and hit my lower jaw repetadly. I landed in a heap rolling in pain as they walked away laughing.

I breathed in slowly. Johnny couldn't know about this. He'd yank me from school so fast and never let me back in. I would be investing in more cover up pretty quick. I stood up, legs shaking, got what I needed from my locker and headed to the bathroom. A bruise was already forming on my delicate skin. I took out the cover up I had and gently applied it all over my chin. My phone buzzed and I headed out to the front to have Johnny pick me up and take me to practice. He showed no suspicion on my quick cover job.

"How was your first day?", he asked smiling.

I pulled out my actors face and I acted estatic. "It was great! I really like my history teacher Ms.Smith. She had the newest in Louboutins on. Blood red. And I met these two girls, Patrica and Amber, their absoulutly darling!"

I went on and on easily keeping the pain out of my jaw. It was easy, considering I block out ache pain every day. He could never know. Not ever.

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